AG Studies Aviation Regulations

According to the parastatal's Public Affairs Officer, Punah Serati, the apparent delay stems from extensive consultations with different stakeholders whose input CAAB considers invaluable.

Liberalisation of air transport will result in less restrictive laws, rules and regulations in the air transport regulatory environment. This will in turn lead to improved service, reduced fares and less strain on taxes.

Significantly, the regulations will see both domestic and international air service providers being licensed, an increase in frequencies and less dependence on a single national carrier.

In response to a question regarding missed opportunities at the World Cup, Serati said the regulations were for the long-term benefit whereas the World Cup was a short-haul of merely a month.

She emphasised that SSKA often served as an alternative landing facility for flights scheduled for OR Tambo Airport when the weather was bad for landing in Johannesburg.

In a related matter, Serati said CAAB was negotiating with Angola, Egypt and Singapore for bilateral air transport relations and direct flights between Botswana and these countries.

Such a deal was signed with Ethiopia last month for direct flights between Gaborone and Addis Ababa.