Base Sebonego Achieves Success At A Young Age


Not one Base Sebonego. Interestingly, his dream was not founded on bank loans or CEDA loans, but by the age of 30, Sebonego had tasted success, after establishing what would later become the country's first legal aid company, Mosele Legal Services, currently commanding an impressive subscriber base of more than 27000.

Yes, one immediately imagines Sebonego as one academically gifted son of man who envisaged a rare vision.  But lol and behold, Sebonego says education does not count at all in determining whether one becomes successful in life.

As if he was born to prove it, Sebonego says he actually failed Form V, tried a course in animal health & production, before he decided to take a different challenge altogether.

Sebonego says although he was in a special class of talented pure science students at Maun Senior  Secondary School he somehow failed to do well.

'Somehow I didn't do well in my Form V examinations, but I was one of the brilliant ones.  I was the best debater in my school, and often won the best debater awards during school competitions,' he shares with the Monitor.

' It is not about the education you have, it is about the passion, commitment, self-belief, and belief you can do it, that is what keeps me going; I don't sleep, I think all the time and I read a lot from newspapers to inspirational books; a day never passes without me reading, I'm so exposed to the world around me; so in a way I'm a well-educated man'.

'You know what, I am proud of my background.  I always say this to people that I am one guy who is so genuine; not having a degree or colourful academic background does not mean the end of life as an individual.'

Sebonego says he experienced pitfalls when he started venturing into entrepreneurship many years ago. In fact his first business failed within the first year, just like an average business would.  It was a cleaning company based in Francistown involved in car washing, carpet cleaning as well as clearing people's compounds. However, Base reckons he had learnt many lessons on business management from the failed project.  'I was very young then; but I later ventured into the micro-lending business,' he reveals to the Monitor.

'By the grace of the Lord I happened to be one of the early locals to venture into that business; so within two years the company had opened branches in Palapye, Bobonong and Gaborone.'

'It was doing very well, but it was  closed so I could re-channel my energy into the establishment of  Mosele Legal Services, I thought I was about to give birth to something that would add value to the lives of the average man.  That was in 2003 when I heeded that call,' narrates Sebonego.

Base says although he might not be very educated, he considers himself smart.  I have always surrounded myself with very educated friends with legal backgrounds and every time they would discuss how clients are failing to pay them.  It was then that it dawned on me that there could be a solution.  That is why even now, I am proud to tell people that I'm not your educated boy, but it's amazing that a lot of people do not believe this.'.

There is something interesting about the youngman's life. When he could be all over the place charming the woman folk and showing off the fruits of his hard earned success, Sebonego is not  the party type; no alcohol, no cigarettes, and he says the idea of charming women folk is not appealing to him as he is content with his pretty girlfriend.

His story may read like a fairy tale, but Sebonego says nothing comes easy.  He offers this free lesson that one has got to always be alert, pondering on innovative ideas that could benefit not just oneself, but mankind or the society as a whole.

A self-confessed devout Seventh Day Adventist churchman, Sebonego says it is God first in his life, a principle he says has taught him to remain humble and treat another person with dignity.  'I would love to think that it is fulfilling to be able to provide a social service like Mosele Legal Service, which enables a low income earner to have legal representation worth over P30, 000. I associate myself with the man in the street; if I can provide him with proper service, it is like service to God, it fulfills me,' he says with a smile lighting up his face.

Yet two years ago the same company was tested in legal battles that threatened its future. 'Mosele Legal Services is based on honesty and  compliance so those qualities saw the company through its hard times; I am humbled when I look back, especially when the subscribers continued to show confidence in the service that Mosele Legal Service provides,' Sebonego adds.

Born in Lobatse, raised in Maun, Sebonego says his parents come from Kanye, and describes Maun as a place of sentimental value to him, as that is the place where he grew up schooled until he completed his Form V.

There is, however, more to Sebonego than the more famous Mosele Legal Services. The 37-year-old entrepreneur is also involved in other businesses such as ICT in Johannesburg, the aviation business, property, home maintenance, construction as well as advertising.

'The truth about me is that I am very passionate about business; and I thank God for that.  He has blessed me with so much energy, so much discipline; so I always manage to juggle all the balls; I am also humbled by the fact that I have the right partners; I have so much drive for business, so mine is a very busy life,, but I do make time for people, I value people, they enrich my soul.'

Reflecting on Mosele Legal Services, Sebonego says it has been a good seven years since the day he realised his dream.  The company now has

three branches around the country, with plans to open more in Gantsi and Palapye. He also plans to take the company to expand into neighbouring countries.

Sebonego says with his success other things have naturally followed. ' I do not see them as luxurious items. They naturally come with these responsibilities; when a man like me has to travel around the country, or to South Africa and neighbouring countries for business matters, as well as having to attend  to many business engagements; You will need an efficient and comfortable car, and naturally a Range Rover or a Mercedes Benz comes into play,' explains Sebonego.

Sebonego says he would like to see Batswana entrepreneurs pulling one another up, instead of tearing one another apart.  'We shouldn't be that greedy, we must emulate the Indians and the Chinese in supporting one another.'

To help achieve this, Sebonego has founded the Business Roundtable International (Botswana), BRI(B),  of which he is the president. The BRIB encourages working together and holds regular meetings where business leaders and aspiring entrepreneurs share experiences.