Bhagat accused of plagiarism

Bhagat is currently in a legal war with Botswana Health Professional Council (BHPC) over his registration. In yet another shocking development, The Central African Journal of Medicine has disassociated itself from 21 articles that Bhagat has contributed to the journal.

The move comes after the editorial committee of the Journal found out that Bhagat has plagiarised more than one article that he contributed to their medical Journal. The Journal editorial committee stated that 'it has come to the attention of the editorial committee of the Central Africa Journal of Medicine that, in their review article entitled 'Trends in cancer pain management' (Cent Afr J Med 2000; 46-54) K Bhagat and HM Chinyanga plagiarised an article by R L Portenoy under the same title from the Lancet 1999; 353; 1695-700.

The editorial committee further revealed that Bhagat responded and owned up to having used some extracts from The Lancet but forgot to acknowledge the author of the article.

The editorial committee quoted Bhagat as saying  'I accept and am deeply regretful for my omission in acknowledging their publication and the article which they were taken. The lack of this acknowledgement is indeed a serious error on my part, and my part alone.

Moreover, I deeply regret the lack of awareness of my co-author Professor Chinyanga, the referees and indeed the editorial committee of the Central African Journal for Medicine of such a grave omission. I take full responsibility for this negligence and am most apologetic'.

However, the editorial committee did not accept Bhagat's apology. They revealed that after reading both articles, it was clear to the Editorial Committee that it was not simply a failure to acknowledge the source, but that large sections of both text and tables had been plagiarised.

The editorial committee further alleges that more recently, another case of plagiarism pertaining to an article, which K Bhagat was again, the principal author came to their attention.

The editorial committee of the Central African Journal of Medicine says the article 'Ethics and HIV research in Zimbabwe' (Cent Afr J Med 2000;46(4):105-8), Bhagat and NZ Nyazema plagiarised an article by R Faden and N Kass entitled 'Editorial: HIV research, ethics and developing the world'. Am J Public Health1998;88(4). The editorial committee also pointed out that it has discussed the issues with the authors concerned and agreed that their articles should be retracted from the Central African Journal of Medicine.

However, Bhagat told Mmegi in an interview that at the time the articles were published, he was the supervisor for visiting elective students from abroad who had already left the country.

He pointed out that he has taken the full responsibility for what happened and accepted the sditorial committee's decision on its action.