Why a child would commit suicide

Senior Clinical Psychologist, Mahmudur Rahman tells Mmegi that children are very sensitive people who suffer emotional frustrations from a lot of sources that parents may not be aware of. 

He says that usually pressures are from classmates who bully them and teachers who are not very supportive or are too tough on them. He says that another thing that might not seem true is that parents push their kids away and frustrate them without even realising it.

'Children need a lot of support and encouragement from their parents.  When a child is curious about something, do not dismiss them without hearing what they have to say. Do not give them a straight no, without an explanation,' he warns.

He advises parents to watch their children's behaviour and spend time with them to be able to tell if there is a problem before it is late.  'There are a lot of pressures in their minds and if parents spend time with them they might help answer some questions they have,' he says. 

Rahman blames the television for a community with suicidal children.  'Children have role models on television and some of them commit suicide by shooting themselves, jumping out of moving cars, taking drugs and doing many other things.

Now when children encounter difficult situations in their lives, they consequently contemplate that suicide is the best way out,' he says. 

However, Rahman says, it is a rare occurrence for an eight-year-old child to commit suicide.  However, he says, it is adolescents aged 17 to 20 who are usually suicidal. 

'With this age group, pressures are usually from excessive drinking, conflicts with the mother or father to do something that the child might not be willing to do. Sometimes it is because of lack of support from their families about something that is important to them.'

He warns that children also get angry and frustrated and should be listened to whenever they need anybody to listen.

He condemns parents for failing to teach their children how to solve problems without getting violent.  He suggests that if parents cannot help their children they should take them for counselling by a professional.