Spiritual Migration

A time is coming when there will be a switch from analog to digital meaning that you may still have a twenty thousand pula television set but will not be able to pick up BTV. This will be so because your TV set could not be compliant with the digital era.

Many years ago there was migration from manual labour to machines. There was also migration from steam power to electric power, migration from type writers to computers to name just a few.

Throughout human history there has always been migration from one system to the other.

Jesus said 'You have heard that it was told to those of old but I say to you'. This was migration from what was generally accepted from of old to what Jesus was currently declaring then. Mat 5; 21-48.

We read in John 1; 17 that there was migration from the law to grace and truth.
The law and the prophets were until John since then the gospel of the kingdom of God is preached. There has been migration from the law to the gospel of the kingdom of God. John 16; 16.

There has been migration from the Pentecostal era to the Charismatic era and now the migration is from the Charismatic to the Apostolic/Prophetic era. God is bringing His church back to His original intent.

The church has to migrate from irrelevant teachings to the current speaking of God. Paul said when he was child he thought like a child but when he became a man he put away childish things. It is time for the church to mature and put away childish things.

The church must understand that the gospel of salvation is only entry into the kingdom of God. The gospel of the kingdom of God is the mandate God gave the church.

Christians of yesteryears were told not to participate in sport, politics or business to mention a few inaccuracies. Today the reformation is bringing light on the fact that Christians should be involved in sports, politics, business and the like.

It was never God's intent for His church to be detached from the rest of society.The current migration is about shifting from running to crusades, revivals and Pastors asking for prayer and personal prophecies to hearing God for yourself and even praying for yourself.

This is about growth and not unhealthy dependence on leadership.

Pastors and leaders will still pray and prophesy for people but the current emphasis is for them to train/equip people to be able to do it for themselves. As Pastors we are called upon to preach and teach ourselves out of our jobs. Eph 4; 11-16.

This is truly a season of the ministry of the saints. The migration is from church-based activities to influencing the community. The apostle James said that faith without works is dead. This is the season to show our faith by our works.

The gospel of the kingdom is not about preparing people for one day in heaven walking on gold and just worshiping God continually. Whilst this is what the church has been busy with the Muslims have taken over the economy of this nation.  The Chinese have now come in and have taken over.

Yes we have had free and fair elections. We have chosen leaders of our choice and these are men and women well deserving.

We have a strong head of state. Can we now help these leaders to transform the economy of this nation and place it in the hands of the citizens.

The bible says 'my people perish for lack of knowledge'. We do not perish because the devil is powerful but because of a lack of knowledge on what is the mandate of the church.

I challenge the men and women of God to re-examine their visions. If your vision is to build a big building and have many members you have derailed.

Our mission is to equip the saints so they can get out of our buildings and be relevant and influence the marketplace. In this reformation we want the whole city to turn to the Lord. We must influence the future of this nation.

Percival Mtetwa