Measles outbreak

The Ministry of Health has since confirmed more than 150 cases of measles among investigated suspect cases.  Suspected and confirmed cases of Measles have been reported from almost all districts. The most affected group is the youth between 10 and 20 years old.

Signs and symptoms of measles include high grade fever, headache, cough, reddish discoloration of the eyes, general body weakness and skin rash that usually starts from the face.

Measles is an infectious disease and isolation is required for all cases to prevent further spreading. 

Mild cases do not require hospitalisation however all confirmed and suspected measles patients should be confined to their homes until fully recovered. Furthermore, measles patients should avoid close contact with unimmunised children, Immuno-compromised individuals or those with chronic diseases. The Ministry of Health further advises that there should be no interruption of the learning process in the schools.

However, the public and schools are urged to be on high alert and take those individuals with symptoms suggestive of measles to the nearest health facility and strictly follow advice from Health workers.