Ministry holds wellness day

The objectives of the event were to promote a culture of wellness, to improve awareness on wellness in the workplace and to enhance support and care within the ministry.

Officiating at the event, senior manager cooperate services at the ministry, Thekisego College said it is an indisputable fact that human capital is the most valued resource in any organisation.

She said human resource is the driving force behind the realisation of organisational vision, mission, goals and objectives.

'Employees wellness is the employer's priority since workers spend most of their time at the workplace rather than at home.

Moreover, the management of employee wellness directly impacts on the reputation of an organisation especially in this era where organisations are highly competitive,' she said.

College added that in order for a modern public service to reduce corporate costs while creating a productive, healthier and happier workforce, it is important that it maintains and improves wellness of its human resources.

Absenteeism, which is linked to poor health, is currently regarded as a major concern in the public service.

People have been encouraged to pay attention to other non-communicable diseases like cancer, diabetes and hypertension as they equally pose a serious threat to health like HIV/AIDS, and are increasingly common in Botswana.

College said MEWT implements wellness programmes to its employees as it cares about their health.