We can't stomach Corry anymore

His deliberate onslaught on our diamonds and tourism, which are our engine of growth, cannot go unchallenged.

Corry's actions, although he purports to be representing Basarwa, smacks of racism.

He should come out and tell the world that he hates to hear of a Third World country and an African one for that matter, being appraised positively by the world at large. Corry is a typical proponent of neo-colonialism. His radical stand against Third World governments bears testimony to that. My argument in this regard should not be misconstrued to say our government should terrorise Basarwa. I for one concur that Basarwa should not have been relocated without valid reasons.

They have a right to land and decent life just like any other tribe in our society. But this does not give them the right to hold our nation at ransom. Their argument that the government should drill boreholes for them in the CKGR is not only weird but negates what they purport to be fighting for. Government interventions are not part of their traditional lifestyle.

Their nomadic way of life would be expensive and irrelevant for any government to try and provide them with services. By advocating for social services, they are saying they have evolved and subconsciously abandoned their traditional way of life. They have to be incorporated in the mainstream of the society.

Contrary to their traditional way of life, they now:-

* Live in settlements;* Rear livestock;* Put on clothes not animal skins;* Hunt with guns;* Hunt on horseback which makes them cover considerable distances.

Corry should know that CKGR is no longer a museum where he and his types can go and remind themselves of stone-age era. Basarwa are human beings and part of our society. They should enjoy the fruits of our success, something that they cannot do if they are still considered to be part of the fauna.

May I also remind those who are courting Corry and his company to come and destroy the economy of this country that they may not be able to reverse the damage done in the future. We may differ as much as we want in this country but when a snake is thrown between us, let's kill it and then continue with our internal bickering afterwards. Corry is an undesirable serpent in our country. We need to unite and stamp him out. We need to show the world how irrelevant he is by trying to regress our gains and undermine our sovereignty. Only then can we sort out the CKGR issue. Our own way not his own. In fact, some of us have stomached his nonsense for quite a long time and now we are about to explode.

Duke. O. MolelekediThamaga