I repeat! Basarwa are spoiled

Maybe I should start by making it known that I have serious doubts about the true identity of this Kiema. I doubt if indeed he resides in New Xade. I'm not trying to imply that Basarwa can not write letters to the newspapers.

It is just that I have come to a conclusion that they are vulnerable, ignorant and can be easily used by people who want to pursue their own interests, using Basarwa's plight. Whether the above assumption is wrong or right is neither here nor there, the purpose of writing this letter is to share some information with Kiema and his people. I concur with Kiema that this more than 52,000 square kilometer (infact it is 52,800) was founded in 1961.

The reserve, surprisingly enough, was not founded to protect any endangered wildlife species but an endangered breed of man, the San Bushmen. I never dwell on history and that is why it is of no interest to me why and how your folks were endangered but I want to remind you of how things have changed since 1961.

Kiema, that was then, this is now. Back then, the area you foolishly and selfishly claim to be yours was awash with wild animals, a variety of grasses, acacia, thorn trees and other tough, drought resistant plants.

There were tsamma melons and gemsbok cucumbers which provided the main source of water for the animals and your folks. Your old timers did not hunt and gather for commercial purposes, therefore, they killed animals reasonably and solely for their meal. Back then your folks applied traditional medication and used herbs hence they never cried for any social amenities from anyone.

They had traditional attire made out of animal skin that is why no council tenders ran around for people to supply them with clothing and sanitary pads as it is the case right now.
Basarwa of 1961 did not demand so much from the government purse because they knew they did not contribute anything. Now lets fast forward to 2007. It is almost a given that you, Kuela Kiema, were born in a hospital with the help of a midwife, something that your old folks never practiced. That alone should have rang a bell to you that things have changed.

The reserve we are talking about now is far different from that of 1961. I find it absurd, ridiculous and uncalled for, that you want to have a state within a state.
When this country attained independence in 1966 Batswana became one thing. Basarwa inclusive.1966 marked the end of your endangerment. As far as I know, every Motswana has the right to live or stay in any part of this country. I am not a Mosarwa but no one can stop me from living in say New Xade.

Central Kalahari Game Reserve CKGR is larger than Denmark or Switzerland and bigger than Lesotho and Swaziland combined, so I cannot fathom what motivates Kiema to become so dangerously ambitious about owning such land and boasting about its ownership. If Kiema had not allowed his emotions to take the better part of him, he would have understood that my bone of contention is if Basarwa are to be moved because of diamond explorations, so be it.

If Basarwa are making way for tourism projects, so be it, after all, they stand to benefit from such projects. Kiema, you should revisit the court verdict or ask for clarification from someone with legal background. The court did not say the land is yours.
The court merely said you were removed unlawfully.

That land belongs to us all, Batswana, or you guys are not Batswana? You say you want tourism related businesses in your land. Be advised that if you want such things then you have to behave like people. You should be ready to accept change. You should be reasonable and accommodative. You should mix with people and move with the times. 

Sonny O. Serite