Who is next to be banished to the barn?

Code nominated Yacob, because as he says 'I can't trust him and I can't place him yet...' And Sheila because she's Head of House and can save herself.  Jen nominated Uti and Meryl because, she says, there is talk of an alliance and she is concerned.

Kaone nominated Sheila because she can save herself as Head of House, and Meryl because 'she has to go back and breastfeed her baby, and I have to save her from making a Big Brother baby...' Meryl nominated Kaone because he 'gets on my last nerve and he's judgemental' and Tatiana because she considers her competition, but points out that 'it has nothing to do with Lerato, I just don't want her around for too long...' Munya who said he'd like to keep the game as impersonal as possible, 'strictly business,' nominated Uti and Yacob because as he explains 'I'm starting from the top of Africa and moving down...'

Paloma nominated Sheila because as Head of House she can save herself and Uti because she feels 'his jokes have gone overboard and extreme and he is hurting other people and this is getting out of hand...'  Mwisho nominated Tatiana thinking everyone else would be doing the same thing because as he explained, her decisions as Head of House had resulted in two people being evicted.  He then selected Kaone because 'the game has shifted.' He feels he needs to pick a side and take a gamble and Kaone is not on the side he has picked.

Sheila nominated Kaone because 'we don't really understand each other, and Tatiana because 'I don't want her making an example of me as she did with Lerato...'  Tatiana nominated Uti because she feels he is pushing people too hard and 'really hurting people,' and Sheila because she's Head of House and Tatiana knows what the pressure feels like to have to save and replace as Head of House.  Uti started off by saying 'I'm not gonna beat myself up about this...' He then proceeded to nominate Tatiana because he feels she sounded pretty confident talking about being in the finals during Sunday night's Eviction show and he wants to see what Africa thinks. He then picked Kaone because he thinks that K1 has 'tried in so many ways to portray me as a bad Nigerian...'  Yacob stated that he's not going to be part of any alliance this season. He chose Sheila because he plans to always nominate the Head of House, and Uti because he's decided he will nominate a different person each week.

And from the BarnHannington nominated Tatiana because 'she took me out, and she took Lerato out...' And Sheila because as Head of House she can save herself. 'I just hope she makes a good decision,' he said.

Lerato nominated Tatiana hoping that 'she will get a taste of what she is giving out...' And Sheila, emphasising this was a purely strategic decision because she can save herself as Head of House and 'execute a mind-blowing plan'. Sammi nominated Munya for the same reasons as he did last week, and Head of House, Sheila.