Opinion & Analysis

BNFYL Responds To Khumoekae�s Attack On BNF And UDC Leadership

Richard Khumoekae addresing media.PIC: KENNEDY RAMOKONE
Richard Khumoekae addresing media.PIC: KENNEDY RAMOKONE

We deliberately refer to him as a Mr. as opposed to a comrade for the simple reason that the diatribe he has been peddling in the media about the leadership of the Botswana National Front (BNF) and the Umbrella for Democratic Change (UDC) is uncomradely and certainly un-BNF. As the BNFYL, we wholly subscribe to the revolutionary principles of criticism and self-criticism.

What we shun and reject as the BNFYL, is destructive criticism which boarders on insubordination and grandstanding.

The leadership of the BNFYL is deeply worried by the reactionary and destructive diatribe which has characterised Mr. Khumoekae’s politics of late. 

Mr. Khumoekae has relegated himself to a celebrity activist who thrives on outbursts and knee-jerk political statements. What is even more worrying is that he is in the habit of attacking the leadership of the BNF and the UDC under the disguise of a debate.

 We were shocked to read that Mr. Khumoekae is making a clarion call for leadership change at the UDC.

He is also reported to have said that the problems which have afflicted the UDC are as a result of structural and leadership deficiencies at the BNF.

This is appalling to say the least! Mr. Khumoekae is on a frolic of his own, and his reactionary utterances must be condemned in the strongest possible way.

The BNFYL wish to categorically state that Mr. Khumoekae does not represent the views of any party structure and as such he has no mandate to convene a press conference to discuss internal party issues. 

It is surprising and disappointing that barely a week after his arrival from abroad, Mr. Khumoekae engages in a treacherous campaign to discredit the leadership of the BNF and the UDC.

As the BNFYL, we wish to reiterate our full confidence, support and admiration for Comrade Duma Boko, his Central Committee and the National Executive Committee of the UDC.

We are resolute and steadfast that Boko’s leadership has served us exceptionally well. BNF members are advised to ignore the childish and attention seeking stunts of Mr. Khumoekae. As the BNFYL, we are aware of his grand strategy and that of his handlers.

We are aware that his intention is to soil and denigrate the BNF and comrade Boko as an impetus for mobilising support for the neo-liberal project spearheaded by his handlers.

As the BNFYL, we advise Mr. Khumoekae to zip his motor mouth and respect internal organisational processes! If he cannot zip his mouth, he must do the honourable thing and jump ship to join his handlers in their agenda of splitting opposition votes through reactionary and ideologically naked political parties.

The BNFYL wishes to remind and caution Mr. Khumoekae that should he continue on his crusade to discredit the leadership of the BNF and the UDC, the YL will advise the party to take appropriate disciplinary actions against him! Further, Mr. Khumoekae must be told, in clear unequivocal terms that the UDC is discharging a revolution and not a beauty contest.

We do not have time to entertain his juvenile rants in the media.

Lastly, BNFYL members are advised to intensify their commitment to political education and ideological training.

This will equip them with the necessary revolutionary tools of analysis and enable them to discharge their mandate as cadres of the BNF.

Mr. Khumoekae’s remarks depict an acute shortage of political education and ideological training on his part.

Velem-Heii (BNFYL President)

On behalf of the BNFYL