
GIMC Choral at Ba Isago tonight

Gaborone Philhamornic Voices will share the stage with a number of talented local choirs
Gaborone Philhamornic Voices will share the stage with a number of talented local choirs

One of the GIMC calendar is the Choral festival that would be held at Ba Isago University today at 7pm. In an interview with the event coordinator Killer Modiba, the GIMC was established to promote the different categories found within our arts and culture.

“This year we have decided to bring different local choral choirs. This is to give different choirs an opportunity to take advantage of the platform and sell themselves to the nation. Last year we had KTM, Adante choirs and others to showcase their talents,” he said.

Modiba, who is also a member of Exact Group Entertainment, has promised the choral fanatics that they would have a lifetime experience this year as they have also added an opera choir on their line up.

“Some choirs will be bringing marabi accompanied by live bands. We have also brought opera on board. This move was done intentionally to showcase our own Setswana talented opera singers.

Opera might be Western but we decided to showcase Botswana opera to promote it in the local platform and prove that we have talented Batswana who can sing it perfectly,” he said.

He pointed out that even though they would have loved to bring other international choirs on board, this year they decided to dedicate the event fully to local choirs. The choirs that would be showcasing at the event include Corpus Christi Catholic Choir, Mowana Singers, who would be treating the audience with beautiful opera melodies, Gaborone Philharmonic and Multi-Cultural Music. He urged the public to come on time stating that the event would start exactly at the stipulated time. Tickets are sold at Webtickets and they would also be sold at the venue.