
MRS Botswana pageant assist married women


“MRS Botswana is an established organisation incorporated in Botswana specialising in the business of family management and recreation.

We offer marriage and family seminars, family woman seminars, family man seminars, working mom or dad seminars and recreation, single parenting workshops and a number of family oriented activities,” Lesetedi said.

She said MRS Botswana beauty pageant is a registered trademark. She said the pageant would be hosted annually. Lesetedi said the 14 finalists would battle for the crown in October this year. However, the venue and date are yet to be confirmed. The pageantry’s theme is ‘A jovial woman, a loving wife, a caring mum’.

“This year, our winner will be competing against other beautiful, sophisticated and remarkable women from different corners of the world at the international pageant for married women known as MRS Globe in China,” she said.

Lesetedi pointed out that the importance of a happy marriage and family life could not be over emphasised. She explained that the family is the heart beat of any tribe, community and nation. She said that as soon as one realises what an unhappy marriage does to the lives of a man and a woman, and even children, a happy marriage becomes non-negotiable.

She added that the pageant was registered as a brand in 2015 under Rock Slid Families Botswana, an organisation established by a local young couple.

She said this was after the realisation that Botswana marriages and families experience hardships in their family life and relationship journey and know little about places to seek guidance or inspiration.

“MRS Botswana established that there is need to help build healthy marriages, help curb divorce rates in this country, interact and liaise with marriage counsellors, sensitise the public on issues affecting marriages through available and possible media, establish forms of entertainment, inspirations and team building that will benefit couples and their families and interact with international organisations to benchmark how their marriages survive,” she said.

Lesetedi explained that there were also common issues in marriages regardless of whether the marriage was civil or customary, religious or non-religious. She said those common issues had helped them draw a plan of what to cover when hosting their activities.

She said their main aim was to create a good relationship within families, where there would be transparency and peace to build happy, healthy and sustainable families in Botswana.

She added that they host their activities with the engagement of relevant and reputable stakeholders to reduce divorce rates or conflicts by intensifying on pre-marital and post-marital counselling and team building activities for couples and their families.