
SDA Donates To Maun Needy

He explained that the donation comprises of six cows, 13 goats, one sheep and 30 chickens. 

Kenaope said in addition the church donated P1,000, two bags of beans and clothes to the beneficiaries.

Twelve people will benefit from the donations and the distribution will be based on the poverty assessments done by the social workers.

The donation was part of SDA’s two weeks of evangelism preaching in Maun.  Kenaope said for two weeks SDA ministers from all over the country preached the word of God at different sites in the village. 

He said: “As churches our social responsibility is not just spiritual nourishment to the community. That would not be enough. Part of our gospel is to recognise those who are less fortunate”.

 Kenaope revealed that SDA has 45,553 official baptised members in Botswana at the present. 

He said SDA is built on the spirit of giving, adding that: “All these donations are from the Maun branch.  Donors gave voluntarily”.

Further he explained that in 2015, they donated 50 sheets, 50 pillowcases, 10 curtains and P40,000 to the Gumare Primary Hospital.

Receiving the donations, senior council secretary Mogomotsi Seemule stated that there are 7,186 beneficiaries from the council’s social safety net.  Seemule explained that amongst this number 1,686 people are destitute.

She praised the donation saying it helps the council in the mandate of helping the needy.

“The numbers of people needing our care is ever-increasing.  Thank you SDA for helping,” she said.  Seemule said SDA chose the right donation of livestock as it is the cradle of livelihoods in Ngamiland.

She, however, reiterated that government’s dream is that all beneficiaries graduate from their poverty situations by adequately utilising various donations and help they receive from government and various donors.

Earlier when giving welcome remarks, Batawana senior chief representative, Charles Letsholathebe heaped praise on SDA for consulting with Bogosi before handing out the donation. He said the livestock will improve the lives of the beneficiaries while he requested they take care of the animals.