
Rola Kepese message could be misinterpreted

The drop in condom use can be attributed to a number of factors such as inaccessibility, refusal by males to use it or so-called trust amongst couples. 

The availability of free Anti Retroviral Therapy and Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission have also been identified as some of the contributing factors to low condom use.

An increase in Sexually Transmitted Infections has also been reported in the years between 2010 and 2015 with some shocking figures standing at over 40% increase.

However, there is a disturbing campaign by the MoHW to promote safe male circumcision, which communicates the message that circumcised men are at low risk of contracting HIV.

 While the intended objective is to encourage as many men as possible to circumcise, there is a likelihood of this message being misinterpreted to mean that once circumcised, men are at liberty to engage in unprotected sex. 

This message, which is spread on radio jingles, has the potential to reverse the gains in the fight against HIV/AIDS in the long term as evidenced by the drop in condom use amongst age group of 20-24-years-olds.

 The 20-24-year-old age group is a very vulnerable one that has just graduated from the teenage stage and their state of mind is more confused.

This is the age group that is vulnerable to peer pressure to engage in all sorts of ills such as drug abuse, alcoholism, having multiple partners and even to engage in criminal activities.  We appeal to the ministry to review the message that is being spread to promote safe male circumcision and come up with a better one that will not cause confusion.

The Ministry should also intensify advertisements to promote condom use and faithfulness in love affairs.  The Rola Kepese message is a flop and should be put aside immediately if we are to win the war on HIV/AIDS scourge.

 There are many ways and words that can be employed to promote safe male circumcision than what is being said in the current promotion. The ministry has lost direction and lacks creativity.

Today’s thought

'To effectively communicate, we must realise that we are all different in the way we perceive the world and use this understanding as a guide to our communication with others.' 

– Tony Robbins