Tumy on Monday

Love and money don�t mix

I then typed ‘women giving guys money”, google again asked; ‘did you mean women giving GOD money?

Even google cannot comprehend this. I cannot either. The other day I stumbled across this very interesting but disturbing topic somewhere, a topic about women who get loans for their boyfriends, the loans which then don’t get paid when the relationship goes belly up.

The way the debate was structured, apparently most guys always disappear then when tracked, refuse to pay back. To add salt to injury, most then claim the loans were in fact gifts when such issues end up in courts. My initial reaction to that post was; heck this post cannot be about my homies! I never knew how common this thing was. I knew it happened, I know most people, drunk in love or lust can easily fall into the trap but I just did not know to what extent it happened, even  that by ‘loans’ we mean really large amounts of monies obtained from banks! Holly Mary! All along I have been thinking small loans that  you get from metshelo and other social clubs, hundreds not thousands.

Admittedly being in love can make you do abnormal and crazy things. You only realize much later after being punked that your actions were actually just downright stupid and dumb. For most people, and I am no exception here, you curse the person, count your losses, take the experience as a lesson then move on. Three simple but liberating steps. Now when insane amounts of monies are involved, I agree moving on, much as it’s an honourable thing to do, would not be next to impossible.

When I contributed to this debate, and it was hard not to, someone then accused me of always being ánti men’. Now I find this shocking because just last year I was spectacularly and publicly accused of being ánti women’, I even made news on one radio station. So I am really confused, I cannot be both, perhaps I am misunderstood. When I see something funny or out of the ordinary I always have this urge to participate, never mind whether my views are right or wrong. A mind needs constant stimulation.

I do not have issues with people falling madly in love then doing insane things, what I find totally absurd is a woman  getting a loan for a stranger, in this case a boyfriend. Underline boyfriend. Before adding my two thebe’s worth to this debate, I pictured myself in that situation. At times you need to, in order to understand other’s points of view. I have been swept off my feet a couple of times, countless number of times to be exact; in fact nowadays I even walk with a slight limp as a result of all that hectic feet swapping over the years. Now I picture someone, a lover, asking me to get them a loan at the bank. I cannot even imagine how this happens, how this embarrassing conversation even starts. My guess is that conversations of this nature start when the two people are in their best or vulnerable of moods, probably lying down, with someone rubbing the other’s back or feet, sweet music playing on the background, on a rainy day or weekend.

Then I am picturing the woman about to drift off to sweet lalaland, the then guy whispers this loan request in her ear. I imagine this request being made when a person is sleeping or drunk. Then I picture the woman pausing for a while, because women and money have this love-hate relationship, wondering whether she heard the guy right. At this point the woman would be wide awake, seating up and facing the guy and very alert. I know exactly what I would do at that point; that is the point I leave,  if it is his house I leave immediately, if it is my house I will remember that an hour after leaving and still walk. Even google has never heard of this madness.

I cannot even imagine how it gets to the point where the woman reaches the bank, endures the long irritating bank queues, sits down at the loan department, narrates some sorry story then fills in the forms. How such people don’t snap back to reality at least after the loans have been credited to their accounts totally beats me! Like I told some people, I am really not judging anyone here. Maybe, just maybe some people are just lucky in love.