
Dingake appointed to Papua New Guinea High Court

Moving up the ladder: Justice Dingake
Moving up the ladder: Justice Dingake

Justice Oagile Bethuel Key Dingake is among six national judges and four acting judges appointed by the Judicial and Legal Services Commission to the Supreme and National Courts.

The judges appointed are Dingake, from Bobonong in Botswana, and Jim Tamate, Thomas Anis, Danajo Koeget, Daniel Liosi, Ravunama Auka, Sinclair Penial Gora, David Susame, John Kaumi and John Numapo from PNG.

Minister for Justice and Attorney-General and commission chairman Davis Steven said it was the first time since independence that the number of high court judges had risen to 44.

“The government has supported important changes in the law to ensure that the people and the nation had delivery of justice under the constitution and laws.” Steven said.

“The recent approval of the increase in the number of judges has now enabled the commission to make a record number of appointments and it is in response to the greater demand now being placed on the judiciary by the increasing population and a more legally aware community.

“It is part of the reform and changes driven by the leadership of the judiciary that the government is supporting and will strengthen the judiciary’s capacity to deal with a growing backlog of pending cases.”

Steven said the commission was also pleased that its decision to seek Judges from the common law jurisdiction apart from Australia has paid off in the appointment of Dingake.

He said this was the first appointment from a common law jurisdiction from the African continent.

“He has responded to our advertisement and he’s willing to be a resident to perform his role as a judge of our high courts. His experience is very much needed now that the government is considering to establish a Human Rights Commission,” Steven said. The National