
Mpho Sebina Unleashes Neo


The EP was released a month ago, but the listening session was postponed due to technical issues.

But this did not stop the release and sale of the project.

The event had the songbird sampling a number of tracks from the EP such as Mokoro, Black butterfly, Tjuele and Love lights to a full house audience that had come to witness the birth of Neo.

In between sampling of the music, Sebina told stories behind each composition of the songs. She spoke of the different experiences she had gone through in her life such as growing pains, choosing her destiny, passion and love life that inspired her to write the different songs.

One of the producers, Favi also shared the different experiences that led to him composing and arranging the music the way it is with some of the influence being derived from his musical experience and relationship with Sebina.

 The audience had varying reactions towards the different songs that were sampled during the night.

Some danced and cheered as they appreciated the music while some were just being indifferent.

On the second half of the listening session, Sebina turned up the tempo with live performance.

She jammed different jams from the EP with Favi on the keyboard. The live performance left the audience quenched.

Also present at the event was fine artist Tebogo Cranwell who was doing some live drawings while Sebina was on stage.

With quite a number of EPs sold at the event, it marked the last gig of the Naked Live Soul Sessions this year.

Throughout the year, a number of local artists such as Shanti Lo, Favi and Leshie Lovesong headlined the event on a monthly basis.

Promotion of local artists has been the main objective of the live sessions.