
Let�s Be Vigilant During The Festive

The holidays commonly referred to as the festive season, is usually created with a number of challenges, which include overspending, overindulgence in alcoholic drinks and reckless behaviour (usually due to intoxication).

This period also has been known to record a high number of fatal accidents. It is against this backdrop that The Monitor appeals to the community at large to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ and bring in the New Year in a responsible manner. These particular holidays are unique; as for Christians it is a time to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

Since Botswana is largely a Christian state, most families prepare a feast on the day, and come together to celebrate. The holiday is some kind of a re-union for most families. It is indeed a special time because even those who rarely visit their home villages, make it a point to do so for Christmas. The New Year, thus for many people brings hope, a chance for new beginnings and the prospects usually excite people.

 Celebrations are not a bad thing, but it is the manner in which individuals choose to celebrate that often endangers their lives and at times those of other people. The festive season craze starts rearing its head end of November, and December is usually a month of celebration, especially for those with a taste for nightlife. 

Some plan for the festivities, but others just go with the flow, and end up spending monies reserved for important commitments like school fees, rent, mortgages, groceries etc. January is usually a tough time for most people, but the reality of the matter is, we tend to spend too much during this period. The festive season has an aura about it; many people during this period act out of character, hence the painful January consequences. Let’s have ‘smart fun’ this festive season, and most importantly ensure that we are safe at all times.

For those who enjoy having a few alcoholic drinks let’s drink at home, or use cab services to avoid drinking and driving. Let’s also not forget that criminals also view this period as a time to make money, so let’s ensure that our property is safe, and avoid carrying large sums of money around. Nowadays life has become easy.

Most shops have electronic paying systems in place. Let’s avoid carrying a lot of cash, which in most cases makes one a target for criminals. The Monitor takes this opportunity to wish you a Merry Christmas and Prosperous New Year.