
Soweto Comedy Festival returns to Gaborone


The comedy gig is set to take place on August 19, 2017 and will feature Trevor Gumbi, Kedibone Mulaudzi, Bambino and host M.O.D.

The four have engaged in some rib-tickling before.

“Basically, this is a continuation of the relationship that we built with Soweto Comedy Festival and South African comedians. We will be having them tour this side to perform and collaborate,” Bambino said.

He noted that all the comedians would present their solo works on stage with the highlight of the night being Kedibone’s 3D screen showcase that is still a surprise.

All four comedians are doing well in their respective spaces, as they have managed to stay relevant and kept their content fresh.

Bambino noted that having South African and Botswana comedians sharing the stage is a sign of good working relations as it builds two countries’ respective industries.

Soweto Comedy Festival is a platform that gives comics a chance to tour and collaborate with others.

They have previously toured the country with comedians such as Tumi Stopnonsons, Cris Mampane, Thabiso Mhongo, Charles Manase, Bambino and Ribcracker sharing the stage. The event has a no under-15 age restriction, as the language will be sensitive from some of the comedians.

Bambino noted that all the four comedians would present new content to the audience looking at various issues such as current affairs, politics ad other issues.

His parting shot: “Since the event will be held the same weekend as Dalai Lama’s visit to the country, I have already sent him an invite since  we are friends”. Gag !