
JW�s assemble to increase faith in Jehovah

According to a release from the organisation, “The theme of the Assembly is significant because it underscores a core value for Jehovah’s Witnesses; maintaining and increasing faith in the Sovereign of the Universe and the Creator Jehovah. The said faith is based on an understanding and application of Bible based precepts and principles. Witness families embrace the Bible as the most trustworthy guide and source of advice in these troubled times”.

Jehovah’s Witnesses believe that we are living in the last days, hence, the importance of developing and sustaining a faith based good relationship with our loving Creator and God Jehovah.

The Bible is replete with verses and accounts of ancient servants of Jehovah, cutting across different age groups who maintained their faith in Jehovah.

The programme is designed to encourage all in attendance, young and old alike to introspect and determine how each one could strengthen their faith in Jehovah by closely observing his commandments.

Unlike any other book, Jehovah’s Witnesses recognise that the Bible has the power to transform lives. At the Assembly, using God’s Holy Word the Bible, the following questions will be answered; Why is it necessary in all circumstances to have faith?; What is true faith and how is it shown?; How can we increase our faith?; and What gives us the confidence that those with genuine faith will be rewarded?