
Rakgare bemoans divided trade unions


Speaking at the party’s youth conference in Ramotswa over the weekend, Rakgare appealed to the labour movement to unite.

“Trade unionism is in disarray. The labour movement had fought hard over decades to progress to where we are today. It is therefore painful and sad to see the current fighting,” he said.

The Botswana Federation of Public, Private, and Parastatal Sector Unions (BOFEPUSU), Botswana Public Employees Union (BOPEU) and other associated actors have been locked in a long running dispute, which has led to unprecedented numbers of legal filings and suits.

“We as BCPYL want to urge and appeal to our labour movement to learn from us the opposition parties and even churches and other NGOs that united you win and, divided you fall and that unity is strength,” Rakgare said.

He called on unionists to bury the hatchet and unite for the sake of the suffering workers of this nation.

‘”It’s not about the leaders of the unions but the workers,” he said.On other issues, the BCPYL president said he was concerned about the state of tertiary education, as some lecturers in institutions were not qualified to teach.

He added that some institutions do not have the required equipment and attachment programmes to expose learners to the world of work as required by the syllabus.

He charged that even as this was going on, the ruling Botswana Democratic Party (BDP) was able to enrich itself.

“The BDP deserves credit though. They have taught us the true meaning of corruption. We should credit them for stealing money from our coffers to give their foreign friends who front as owners when in fact they are co-owners with ministers and some key leaders in the BDP,” he said.

Rakgare called on Umbrella for Democratic Change leaders to give employment creation first priority when they take over power. He said the BDP government does not have a plan on how to create jobs and diversify the economy.