Digging Tswana Roots

Legend of Baloi: the esoteric level (7)

Indeed, this week we home in on the curious statement made by Jesus on the cross, where according to Matthew 27:46-47 Jesus cried out with a loud voice “…Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?”, that is to say, “My God, my God, why hast Thou forsaken me?” ”. Eli, or Eloi, we determined, is premised on the Sumerian term illu – ‘Shining’ – thus mo-illu (‘fire/light-giver’ in Setswana) and illuminate in the English borrowed term. In both Sumerian and Setswana it had always meant ‘wizard’ – thus mo-illui (mo-loi) – which, I explained, is how ancient gods and their advanced technology were perceived by those outside of their elite class.

Last week we also noted that the Old Testament is based on two principal sources labelled as ‘Elohist’ and ‘Yahwist’, with the detected hand of redactor (a reviser or editor) attempting to fuse the two where they differed. Differed? Yes, despite the trite theological insistence (premised mainly from Paul’s utterances) that the Old Testament is the ‘divinely inspired’ Word of God, empirical examination of the earliest manuscripts reveals that, in the Elohist sources, Isaac (Abraham’s beloved son) never appears again after the command to Abraham (Genesis 22) to sacrifice him….implying that he was sacrificed – a version supported by an early midrash record. Meantime, in the Yahwist version, Isaac appears, inexplicably, later. A presumed redactor, upon examining the manuscripts, then ‘agreed’ the stories through the ram that was sacrificed instead. (Source: Wikipedia, under “Elohist”)

Essentially, Setswana easily reveals that the old, generic name ‘Elohim’ eventually became disused in favour of ‘Yahweh’...which name emerged in Moses’ time (though we saw last week that it was not a real name). Why the change? Hebrew, we will again see in more detail in this article, is an Egyptian-based language that merely metathesized (transposed the syllables of) some Egyptian words. (Of course, Hebrews – and later the Children of Israel – only became a nation in Egypt, where ancient Bantus – forefathers of Batswana – also resided). As such, ma-illui (i.e. ma-loi (wizards) became ‘Eloi-ma’ – later ‘Elohim’ in Hebrew syntax – was eventually deemed to be  a time-worn name that still smacked of ‘gods’ at a time when ‘monotheism’ had long kicked in, and so it was ditched. Indeed, by the time Jesus used the term on the cross, people were no longer familiar with it because even though Matthew hints that Jesus called out to Eloi/Eli with a loud voice, those nearby enough to give him a vinegar-soaked sponge to drink from thought that he was calling out to Elijah!

But why would Jesus choose an unfamiliar name? Last week we determined that it was for effect. Throughout this column, and even in this miniseries, I have sought to expose what I call the ‘ugly history’ of the Elohim, the ancient gods. In 2048 BC, in the time of Abraham, authentic texts like the Khedeolaormar Texts reveal that rivalry for ‘Enlilship’ (i.e. to be ‘Enlil’ –  Ene-le-Illu: Leader of the Gods) became so bitter that it led to the nuclear destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah – cities that one section of the gods thought Marduk (called ‘Baal’ in Canaanite Ugaritic texts) and his son Nabu (‘Nebo’ in the Old Testament: see Isaiah 46:1) were hiding in after they were framed for a certain incident. An ‘Evil Wind’ (radiation-charged sand) then blew from Canaan (modern-day Israel) into Sumer (now mostly Iraq), causing the gods to flee their beloved civilization and settle in Europe. This is when they swore to come together as one front and play the Unseen God instead, first experimenting with Isaac’s descendants to whom they banned the ‘worship’ (adoration) of gods. But in enforcing this brand of ‘monotheism’ on the hapless Israelites, the gods committed countless atrocities well documented in the Bible…and now pinned on the real God. When time was ripe, and with more experience and greater scheming, they rolled out ‘monotheism’ through Ishmael’s descendants…whose ‘proselytizing’ tactics, quite like that of the Holy Roman Empire that promulgated Paul’s doctrines, included raw conquest.

 Now, Jesus knew how the Elohim – the gods – had pretended to be one ‘Eloi’. And also knowing that they were watching his crucifixion nearby, he called out in a loud voice “Eloi! Eloi! Lulama! Sa ba tani, che! (Eloi! Relent (be peaceful)! Do not chastise them!” Indeed, l’lama is also the source of ‘salaam’ (sa-lulamo: peace) in Arabic. Tana is ‘climb on’ (e.g. “ke tana koloi”, in Sekgatla). Indeed, when fighting, one attempts to climb on (‘be on top of’: dominate, defeat) the other. A fight/attempt to dominate who? James, John, Mary Magdalene and all his true followers: Gnostics. So, it was no pathetic cry to God, as portrayed in the tampered-with Gospels.

Ma-Eloi were also called me-ene in Sumerian (as in EN.L’IL, above), so a me-ene (‘amen’) was an ancient prayer-ending addressed ‘to/for the gods’. ‘Amen’, I teach in my books, is not to be confused with ‘amon’ (ha-o-mmone) as in ‘Amon-Ra’, the name Marduk earned when still on the run (see above). As such, when Jesus (in Matthew 6:24) said “You cannot serve God and ma-amon (Unseen Ones) [at the same time]” – ma-amon also being a subtle dig at ‘ma a-me-ene’, the priestly caste – biblical compilers obfuscated this by transmuting ma-amon to ma-amana ‘relations, bonds, attachments’, making it seem to mean ‘attachment to worldly riches’. True…but Jesus also never talked lovingly of any Eloi or me-ene…

Comments to leteanelm@gmail.com