Digging Tswana Roots

Legend of Baloi: the esoteric level (6)

But even exoterically, no-one had grasped the true extent of how they played havoc with our ‘religious’ history. Indeed, after establishing that the Setswana term ma-Illui (ma-Loi) which in Hebrew syntax is ‘Eloi-m(a)’ – which then corrupted to  ‘Elohim’ – is simply a plural term that, in reality, refers not to God but to ‘gods’…and that Ba-Loi (wizards) is a mere variation of the term, everything fell into place.

Knowing that, in Egypt, Akhus (ma-Akhu-a, now makgoa) were also viewed as ‘gods’ (ba-dimo), it is evident that we once adored (‘worshipped’) mere humans, not ‘spirit-creatures’.

Indeed, their well-documented ability to traverse space, I had explained in detail, is why they were associated with go-dimo (‘the heavens’). But, to this day, people still associate the real Heaven with outer space…which is wrong.

What happened was that after Jesus’ ‘occultic’ revelations staggered Jewish orthodoxy, the Elohim sought to usurp and swallow up his message, (which contrasted sharply with their own ugly and bloody history) by blending it with theirs, while also slyly promoting themselves as ‘spirit-realm’ angels whereas they were not.

Indeed, although the gods often depicted themselves with wings, they flew only with the aid of smoky, mechanical contraptions (see Exodus 19:16-18; 24:16-17, etc.) and whirring blades (see Ezekiel 1, 9, etc.), which feat nevertheless dazzled Ezekiel and others so much that they quickly forgot the atrocities the gods carried out before their very eyes.

What, and where, is the true Heaven? It is in a ‘spirit’ dimension only accessible via the Third Eye or Single Eye (“If thine Eye be single, thy whole body be full of Light” as the original King James Version clearly states, now distorted in current bibles to remove the ‘occult’ overtones. But ‘occult’, I explained, simply meant ‘of the Eye’.

It has no sinister meaning – except, perhaps, when that ocular/okola/okomela process, the peeping into the Beyond, is undertaken without the guidance of a Saviour…as occultic baloi attempt to do, along with the temptation to misuse powers thus gained for worldly matters.

(Note: they are a different breed from the gods: they simply inherited the title baloi, we explained, due to their association with ‘flight’ (in reality ‘ethereal flight’: go fofa ka nnale) and ‘wizardry’.) So, by opportunistically bundling occultic boloi (witchcraft) with the occult Path that Jesus taught, the Elohim sought to blur matters and lead people away from the Path.

But Jesus plainly said that “…the Kingdom of Heaven is within you…” and that anyone talking of a physical Heaven-to-come (like Paul), one that a person can actually point a finger at, is either a liar or has been misled.

(Luke 17:21) Indeed, we explained how the advent of radio and television helped us better grasp that it is possible for many ‘ghostly’ but coherent dimensions of existence to inter-penetrate each other and co-exist without interfering with each other, separated only by ‘frequency’…once an ‘impossibility’ per Newtonian physics.

But this truth did not suit the shenanigans of the Elohim, the exoteric baloi, so they long entrenched the red-herring that badimo are merely our ‘spirit-ancestors’.

They entrenched this new outlook well after they had decided to ‘vanish’ (i.e. innocently blend in with ordinary folk) and then banish the worship of gods (see previous articles for reasons why), first experimenting with Abraham’s line through Isaac’s descendants, then, much later and with more experience and greater scheming, with Ishmael’s descendants…both being sons of Abraham.

But it all kicked off in earnest in the time of Moses, when the Hebrew name for ‘God’ also emerged. And since Hebrew is an Egyptian-based language that merely scrambled our protolanguage in places (see the ma-Eloi/Eloi-ma example above), we can follow how. An Elohim representative had introduced himself to Moses as the new ‘god-above-all-gods’, and Moses duly asked him for his proper name.

The god was caught off-guard, so he snapped at Moses: “Ke Ye-o-fa (I am he-who-is-here)! Tell [the Israelites] that Ye-o (“this one [here]”) sent you!” Moses had no choice but to accept this ‘name’, so ‘Yehovah’ is sometimes called ‘Yehu’.

Now, the acronym YHWH (Ye-Ho, W’oo Ha, now pronounced as ‘Yahweh’) – a merging of the above two statements – merely exemplified Setswana’s fa/ha interchange, later incongruously revised to “Y sher e Y sher” (supposedly: “I am that I am”, but “He she e e-re he she raa” is “I am whatever I say/said [I am]”!)

In retrospect, the old, generic name ‘Elohim’ (thus the ‘Elohist’ sections of the Old Testament) still smacked of ‘gods’, so it became disused in favour of ‘Yahweh’ (hence the ‘Yahwist’ sections)…which is why when Jesus used it on the cross people were now unfamiliar with it.

(Matthew 27:46-47) But Jesus chose it for effect; specifically targeting the Elohim who were obviously watching nearby, who had, all along, pretended to be one ‘Eloi’.

Jesus, we noted, only ever talked lovingly of the Father, never of an Eloi. But was his use of ‘Eloi’ not due to the heart-wrenching burden of ‘carrying the sins of the entire world’? Was it not his intimate name for the Father when, for one dark moment, he worried that

He had forsaken him? No. Next week not only will we find out, through Setswana, what Jesus really said – and meant – on the cross, but why the revealing term ‘Mammon’ (Matthew 6:24) was similarly distorted!

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