Opinion & Analysis

BDF is a professional, non-partisan organisation

BDF graduates getting ready to join the work place
BDF graduates getting ready to join the work place

The article raises unfounded statements which might discredit the BDF and its leadership through the column, ‘The Ex-Soldier’.

The author raises unsubstantiated claims that the BDF is involved in Botswana Democratic  Party (BDP) feuds accusing BDF senior officers as card carrying members of the BDP and that “Many senior staff officers have succumbed to pressure and registered with the ruling party and are now wielding the power of the card”. The article further claims that “Officers beyond the rank of Major are directly promoted by the President and the tendency often leans towards impressing him.”

Moreover, the article alleges that “A lot of card carrying officers in the BDF will be watching from the side-lines with little they can do if anything some can help with wire taps on a rival camp… for that reason, I would urge all those red collared officers to return the card.

You are armed and it would not be a good sight with frustrated armed men”.

The allegations posited by the author are serious in nature and need to be particularised since they have the potential to mislead the public, tarnish the image of the BDF and bring into disrepute the good name of the Defence Force as well as cause unnecessary panic to the general populace.

In his insinuations, Moleofe does not provide cogent evidence to support his standpoint and the BDF requests that he avails any empirical evidence to this effect.

It is therefore against this background that the BDF feels compelled to set the record straight lest Batswana misconstrue the allegations to be true.

The BDF is and has always been an apolitical organisation.  This principle is guided by provisions of Defence Force (Regular Force) (Officers) Regulations 75 and Regulation 62 (Other Ranks) which expressly prohibit active participation by members in politics.

Any conduct that may be construed by the public as amounting to such actual or passive association is prohibited and punishable under the BDF Act CAP 21.05. Members of the BDF are privy to the fact that involvement in partisan politics is prejudicial to good order and military discipline and that conduct akin to this will not be condoned in the BDF or anywhere else for that matter.

Therefore, the recent allegation putting BDF senior officers in rebuke, questioning their honour and integrity is not only unfortunate but also misleading and false in its entirety to say the least.

It is important to note that the BDF Commissioned Officer and Non Commissioned Officer Corps have high regard for the constitution of this country and will at all times adhere to its provisions.

We wish to assure Batswana that, as a professional military establishment with men and women who are proud to serve their country with impartiality, we will diligently carry out our mission to defend Botswana’s territorial integrity, sovereignty and national interests without prejudice.

*Tebo Dikole is Colonel

Director, Protocol And Public Affairs

Botswana Defence Force Headquarters