
Security Systems back Kgosi Malope challenge

Security Systems MD Gabriel Nkgetse. Kgosi Malope II and Tsosa Motse Rep Moanamisi Gadiile
Security Systems MD Gabriel Nkgetse. Kgosi Malope II and Tsosa Motse Rep Moanamisi Gadiile

Security Systems sales and marketing manager, Mike Nkgetse said his company’s support towards the initiative, is geared towards the success of the event, as it also falls within his company’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).

“Our CSR programme enhances our brand and creates unique opportunities to assist our customers and the communities we operate in, hence we chose this initiative,” Nkgetse told Mmegi Sport.

He said the total sponsorship for the challenge is P26,200, with P15,000 in cash and a supply of 20 temporary guards at P12 per hour shift, valued at P11,200.

“Since we opened a branch in Kanye, in 2005, it is now time for us to thank Bangwaketse for the support they offered the company, hence we saw it fit to co-sponsor the Kgosi Malope II Cycling Challenge,” he said. 

 Nkgetse further said his company appreciates that, with funds raised, the event would help develop the Bangwaketse Royal cemetery and preserve the tribe’s history and culture.

He said they are proud to be associated with the initiative, saying it would remain a beacon of historical sights and reference point for future generation.

For his part, the co-organiser of the event, also the vice chairperson of Tsosa Motse Society, Kaone Ramontshonyana reiterated to Mmegi Sport Nkgetse’s sentiments about the need to resuscitate the cemetery as it holds cultural and historical sights.

He also said the event will inspire many young people, tourists and anthologists to learn more about Bangwaketse culture.

“We intend to set up a digital library for research convenience to uncover how the mercenaries and merchants from the colonial era would later become advisors of Kgosi Bathoen,” Ramontshonyana said.

He said health and wellness would be part of the daily programme, while he also appreciated the support by Security Systems to invest in sports, education, arts and culture.

The cycling challenge is one part of a bigger project geared towards the preservation of one of Botswana’s historical sites, being a cemetery at Mmalekwa ward.

It remains a resting place for the Bangwaketse Royal family members and European travellers, including LMS/UCCSA Clergy as well as British settlers and soldiers for over a century.

The event will be held on Sunday morning from 7am, at NAFTRC and will consist of 110km open and 60km lite challenges respectively, as well as a 30km fun ride.

Registration fees are P200 and P150 respectively for open and lite challenges while registration for the fun ride is at P75.  Registration is online at, or at Ultimate Cycle Base Store. 

The public is also urged to register at any Security Systems offices and or Lodubeng Village Park in Kanye.