
Suspected Foot and Mouth hits Ngamiland District

Cattle in the Ngamiland PIC. THALEFANG CHARLES
Cattle in the Ngamiland PIC. THALEFANG CHARLES

The director of veterinary services, Dr Letlhogile Modisa said this comes about after reports from farmers of sightings of cattle showing suspicious signs.

Officials from the department of veterinary services followed up the allegations and found five animals that were showing sings that are consistent with the disease.

“As a result of these findings the slaughter and movement of all cloven hooved animals and their fresh products within and out of the Sehithwa, Toteng, Bodibeng, Kareng and Semboyo extension areas are suspended until further notice,” Madisa said.

He explained that export of all meat products from export slaughter and processing plants produced in the last 30 days in Ngamiland is suspended.

He urged farmers to cooperate with the ministry officials and round up animals as and when they are required to do so without fail.  Farmers are also expected to report any sick cattle without delay. 

He said this disease control measure will be reviewed once the extent of the outbreak is determined.