Digging Tswana Roots

Legend of Baloi: the esoteric level (4)

Indeed, the base-word mo-illu (mollo) means ‘fire/light-giver’. Drunk with power, they also called themselves ‘gods’, i.e. ‘the gud (good/superior) ones’. But how did these ‘gods’ (ma-Illui, or Eloi-m(a) – thus ‘Elohim’ – in Hebrew syntax), become ‘God’? In 2024 BC, in Abraham’s time, to defuse intense rivalry between Su-en/At-en/Ad-on and Marduk (Baal) over world-rule (Enlilship), they merged as ‘One Unseen God’ instead, first trying this on Abraham’s descendants, the Israelite nation-to-be. But, in enforcing ‘monotheism’ on the hapless new nation, their long litany of utterly cruel excesses (see, for example, Ezekiel 9) also began, which, unwittingly, we now pin on God instead.

So, basically, ‘Elohim’ is a Hebrew plural term that, in reality, refers not to God but to ‘gods’; and Ba-Loi is a mere variation of the term. And because ordinary humans once regarded their advanced technology as boloi (wizardry/magic) – literally: ‘the way of the ’Loi’ – it became a generic name for anyone perceived to wield magic or witchcraft. Nowadays, this is the only type of baloi we know of. But is there real magic – not technology or tricks/ illusions for entertainment? Yes there is.

Last week we saw that even in your living room, right now, in a ‘spirit’ dimension of existence that pays no attention to solid walls, many radio and TV stations are playing without interfering with each other; that it is only a matter of adjusting the transistors in the gadget to tune into their right frequency. But mystics know something else that physicists do not: that the brain is also a transistor that can tune into other worlds more subtle (i.e. vibrating at a much higher frequency) than our own. And the all-important ‘tuning-in knob’ is invisibly located, mystics aver, on the forehead, between the eyes….as if a Third Eye. Logically, then, powers that do not obey Newtonian physics of solidity; of ‘equal-and-opposite-resistance’, must emanate from these other ‘frequencies’ that our technological transistors cannot yet reach.

And how do we tune into these other worlds? Through attention: in a room full of people talking, we can filter in and filter out conversations according to our interest and attention. As such, “where your treasure is, so will your attention be”. Simply put, when we are tuned into this material plane of ours, we are tuned out of other dimensions of existence: alive to this plane but dead to the Heavens.

‘Threading through the Eye’, therefore, depends greatly on love and attention, hence if one’s mind is on worldly affairs and treasures, it is like ‘…a camel (kamal: thick rope)…[trying to thread] through the eye of a needle’. (Matthew 19:23-24.) Again, ‘If thine Eye be single, thy whole body be full of light’ (Matthew 6:23, original KJV only) is a delightfully economic way of hinting at both the Single Eye and the focussed, unwavering intention of one hungry to meet the Father. (Note: ‘single’, however, did not extrapolate to the contrived semantic shift to ‘clear’ or ‘good’ as rendered in modern English bibles).

Now, how many Frequencies/Heavens are there? There are seven, our immediate next being the so-called ‘Astral plane’. The Third Eye, the ‘transistor’ to tune into it, is invisibly encoded within our brain. However, the key to the ‘Higher Astral’ plane is encoded within the Astral body, and the key to the Causal Plane is located within the Higher Astral body, and so forth until the Seventh Heaven, where the Father is; where there are no more ‘unlocking keys’ as the Soul has now reached its real home.

This is the spiritual journey that Jesus, Buddha, etc. taught; a Seven-fold Path (Buddha’s ‘Eight-fold Path’ included the ‘Eight Heaven’; a formless, boundless. all-pervading ‘Regionless Region’ beyond the Father, which is everything and where everything truly springs from, which he called ‘Nirvana’ and which Jesus (and John in 1:1) knew as the Logos, i.e. the Word; the very substance and power of God, the Father.

Now, is this not ‘occult’? Yes it is. Is it not therefore ‘evil’? No, this was simply a ploy by the early Church founders – sponsored, it can be shown, by the Elohim who sought not only to hide their ugly ‘religious’ history (see above), but to stop people acquiring real spiritual freedom from their clutches. (John 8:32) ‘Occult’ is actually based on ‘ocular’, meaning ‘of the eye’ – as in ‘binoculars’. In Setswana, a genuine protolanguage, we find the same base-word ocu/oku in okomela (‘peep into’) and okola: ‘glean and enjoy the surface of (ma-oko means ‘superficial layer of’).

All they merely relate to is using the Eye to peep [superficially] into the Astral World (normally accessed only upon death). Of course, where baloi fall short is that upon threading through the ‘Eye of the needle’ (fofa ka nnale), they have no access to the Astral Plane; they are only able to penetrate the ‘ethereal’ plane – a ‘halfway station’ that lies between the material and Astral planes – and there derive certain ethereal powers, including the ability to see what any person on Earth is doing even behind closed doors…a limited and pathetic preoccupation that does not take one any nearer the Father. More next week on what they can and cannot do...as opposed to a Saviour like Jesus.

Comments to leteanelm@gmail.com