
Oletile sticks to traditional gospel


The album consists of rhythmic and danceable songs such as Lekunutu, Morwalela and O Tla Pholosiwa.

“I decided to sing traditional gospel because as Africans we can relate to the music. For instance, if you listen to Morwalela you can realise that it is danceable. All of the songs have high tempo and can inspire a person to dance. In this gospel genre, we use keyboard, acoustic guitar, base guitar to make the music appealing to the listener,” he said.

Oletile said his album was recorded during his live performance to ignite the listener’s enthusiasm to dance their feet off. In this album, Oletile had worked with Kabo Koosimile at Galaxy Records, who saw him when he was part of the City Boys gospel band. He said after that he (Koosimile) later opened a studio in Mogoditshane and signed him.

“I have also worked with Tumelo Mafoko who was playing keyboard and Costas Phetelo who was my backing vocalist,” he said. Oletile said he worked on Morwalela for two years in order to give his fans a perfect album, get inspiration from some Bible chapters, such as in Morwalela meaning floods in the book of Genesis.

He added that from 2005 till 2010, together with City Boys, they released three albums, after which he decided to go solo. He said throughout his music career, it was the first time he recorded a live performance. He said he was thrilled with the new changes as his new album was doing well and had proved to make a mark on the local music scenes.

“My album has penetrated the market and I have recorded 1,500 copies. I intend to distribute them all over the country and outside,” he said.

He also pointed out that he had opened a company so that he could help other upcoming artists grow through marketing their music.