
China: More than a �Fong Kong� nation

Beijing is among the world's most vibrant cities PIC: EXPEDIA.COM
Beijing is among the world's most vibrant cities PIC: EXPEDIA.COM

China, the most populated country behind India is positioning itself as the new dream, the emergence of the ‘Chinese Dream’.

This is the dream that no one saw coming because for decades America had been holding the golden medal as the ‘I have made it’ economy.

The US has long been the envy of those wishing and dreaming of a better life by escaping hardships in their own countries.

Immigrants believed that anyone regardless of where they were born or what class they were born into, could attain their own piece of the American Dream in a society where upward mobility was possible for everyone. America was the “go-to” land for becoming someone and making it big.

The era of Donald Trump, with his highly nationalistic and protectionist policies has woken the world up from the American Dream, to a nightmare that includes mass deportations of immigrants from certain countries and tightening of immigration protocols for everyone.

I am no exception to the idea of the American Dream, but the experience in China has shifted my worldview and accommodated an alternative dream.

China is the new dream. The country defines itself as a part of the world and that the Chinese dream is not only crucial to the Chinese people but involves closer relationships with the rest of the world.

In a way, China is moving in the opposite direction to the new US. Where the Oriental giant was once boxed off from the world and highly isolationist, it is now opening its borders to the world and is ready to engage.

My arrival here two weeks ago, I admit, was not a pleasant one. I was greeted by below zero temperatures as it is still winter here. My first night, I was told it had snowed the day before and that I could expect extremely cold temperatures.

Coming from a typical Botswana summer, for a moment I could not fathom what I had gotten myself into. That thought immediately disappeared as I realised I was in a completely different world that needed to be explored with an open mind.

Despite the freezing weather, the Beijing Capital airport was abuzz with people going on about their business and in that moment I had no idea that this is where the dream was alive, ‘the Chinese Dream’.

A few days after having settled well into my little own world, I realised that China is emerging as the biggest global influence and has since superseded the ‘American Dream’, run with it and have “Chinalised” it, a phrase locals here have adopted.

My few days here collided with a busy schedule with the Chinese politics being at the pedestal due to the start of two sessions of Parliament.

This served as a golden opportunity as I met a lot of people from different countries who are now regarding China as a true dream.

That was not surprising because for the past few years, China has been showing signs and emerging as a giant on the world economic scale.

Somehow it has positioned itself as the next big thing after America hence more and more people, needless to say Africans, have since found new opportunities here.

Here everything is of high standard, from infrastructure to anything that may define China. More importantly I have to admit even about the clothes sold here as hard as it is to say they are of top quality.

It beats whatever we are used to what has made many believe the country is just a fong kong nation.

I have to admit the dream is real. I call it the emergence of the Chinese dream simply because most people I have met here in Beijing city where I am based speak frankly about finding China more appealing like any other country.

“The country is doing well on the economic front. There is less crime if at all there is any and life here is cheap compared to other countries.

I came here five years ago for studies but now I cannot go back because China has now opened its doors for foreigners and I am grabbing that opportunity to work here.

The country is advanced in all aspects and I respect that they guard themselves so jealously that they do not allow outside influences. This is China; it is the new dream and my fellow people can benefit here”.

This were the words that came from a seemingly passionate Nigerian guy I met here a few days ago when we both attended the Chinese Parliament opening session.

As I moved around I saw a lot of foreign faces, something I am told is now becoming a norm. Most Chinese people are no longer fascinated by unfamiliar faces because now more and more foreigners are now chasing the Chinese Dream.

Even so the communist nation is not relaxing too and riding on the waves that more foreigners are finding homes here for further studies, for tourism and most importantly for work opportunities.

The country has relaxed its immigration laws a bit and has opened its doors to foreign trade with the focus being on the African continent.

Its foreign ministry has also partnered with other countries to bring their journalists into the country to learn more and report better about the country.

One such programme is the ongoing China Africa Press Centre where 29 journalists from the African continent have been roped in to experience and explore the country for better representation of the country in future.

On a lighter note, I guess next I will focus more on the country’s melting pot of cultures since I have not yet eaten a snake or any other bizarre food.