Digging Tswana Roots

Legend of Lowe: an enigma resolved

It is used synonymously with ‘time immemorial’, the common phrase being “go tswa go Lowe (since even the time of Lowe)”. But if you ask a Motswana who or what Lowe was, you are likely to get only a blank stare. For those brave enough to hazard an answer, Lowe was the ancestor of all Batswana, or of all Africans, or of all people. Can this be true? No. Fortunately, science and legend have combined to reveal to me the most definitive answer of who, or what, ‘Lowe’ really was.

Now, if indeed there was once a common, global protolanguage we all spoke as recently as the Neolithic era, as Genesis 11 asserts and I have independently demonstrated in many articles, then surely it should help us unpack the mystery of Lowe. It does. I am the first person to discern that Loê (Lowe) is not a person; the name is a linguistic metathesis of ‘Leo’, the pivotal Age of the Lion (10800 to 8640 BC) that dawned soon after a major cataclysm – recalled in Genesis 8 as ‘the Flood’ – befell Earth. My own research affirms that the Flood occurred in 10983 BC, 183 years before the onset of Leo. How? Firstly, Earth exhibits two distinct motions: the tilt (obliquity) and the wobble, both being cyclical.

The tilt is an oscillation (a back and forth movement) that takes 41 000 years to complete, while the wobble is a gyration (circular movement) that takes 25 920 years to complete. Geologically, 10983 BC was indeed approximately when Earth reached its steepest, most precarious tilt of 24.4 degrees such that when it reversed direction, this massively disturbed the tectonic plates that, in turn, generated outsized tsunamis, moved whole continents by several degrees of latitude, and signalled the falling away of the Ice Age.

Secondly, by reversing a secret formula that biblical compilers, instructed by the ‘gods’, used to substantially reduce the true, original, pre-Flood intervals (which formula only I have managed to unpack and effectively demonstrate in my books), we arrive again at 10 983 BC. (Authors Alan Alford and Zecahria Sitchin arrive at the same date by tracing post-Flood intervals centred on Abraham’s birth…which in turn is anchored on the archaeological date for the construction of Solomon’s Temple…but these post-Flood calculations hinge on another secret, biblical, adjusting formula discovered by Alford – see Gods of the New Millennium.)

As regards the wobble, if a person was able to live through even one cycle, then every spring equinox (when he is sure that Earth is in the exact-same position as the previous year, in its annual orbit around the sun), every time he looked in a certain direction he would see a specific constellation of stars appear every morning behind the rising sun. If that constellation happens to be Virgo, then he could name that period the ‘Age of Virgo’. He would then notice that only 12 out of the millions of constellations took turns at this position, each turn lasting some 2160 years, thus totalling 25 930 years for the full cycle of 12 (the zodiac).

 So, what was the ‘ruling’ constellation at the time of the Great Flood? It was Virgo. We know that because scientists can take a picture of the sky today, note which constellation is ruling (these days it is Pisces) and, through specialised computer software, roll back the years such that they know what the sky pattern looked like at a particular point in history. But then, if the ruling constellation during the Flood was Virgo, what has this to do with Leo and Lowe? The explanation is interesting. In 10800 BC, a mere 183 years after the Flood of 10983 BC, Virgo gave way to Leo. And as the Sumerian Kings List show, the god whose ‘rule’ (capital city administration) was rudely interrupted by the Flood was Ubar-Tutu. Now, I alone have deciphered that he was actually the god Apollo. How so? ‘Ubar-Tutu’ is but a metathesis of ‘Abol-Utu’ – a god the Greeks called ‘Abol’ (Apollo), the Sumerians called ‘Utu’, and the Akkadians (Babylonians) called ‘Shamash’ (as every expert knows). And how do I further prove that Ubar-Tutu was indeed Apollo? Apollo had a sister-twin called Artemis: Inana to the Sumerians, Ishtar to the Canaanites. Her sign was ‘the Virgin’ (Virgo: see books by Zecharia Sitchin). So, the twins were definitely ruling at this time (they later ruled again in Gemini, ‘Age of the Twins’). But how did the name ‘Apollyon’ (Apollo’s full name) come about?

The origins and true meaning of the Greek term apo is now admittedly obscure, say all good dictionary etymologies. However, they explain, it can be discerned to mean ‘near to’, or ‘before’, or something.to that effect. But as Setswana reveals, apo means ‘undress/cast off’ (thus apola), while apa means ‘dress/cover’ (thus apara, and ‘apparel’). The association with proximity is because when one leaves behind something, it as if one has ‘cast it off’. What this means is that the gods later teased Utu; saying that he had had to ‘cast off’ (forsake) Leo, which beckoned a mere 183 years away – simply because the Flood then interrupted his rule and obliterated almost all signs of civilization on Earth. ‘Apollyon’, I thus suggest, is ‘a-apola-Lyon’. Leo, then, was the Age in which Earth had to be reclaimed afresh and a new beginning mapped out for mankind…whatever was left of it after the Flood. And that Great Beginning, I reiterate, began not with an enigmatic ancestor called ‘Loê’, but with a common, shared memory of a traumatic time when everything had to begin from scratch in a pivotal age called ‘Leo’ – details of which are now all but forgotten in Tswana lore…

Comments to leteanelm@gmail.com