
UB website hacked


The hackers have replaced the top UB brand banner on the website homepage with an image of Guy Fawkes mask associated with a group of Anonymous. 

Anonymous is an international network of activist and hacktivist. Anonymous has however not claimed the hack.

In one for the banners the Guy Fawkes is holding a banner written the famous Anonymous slogan, “The Corrupt Fear Us, The Honest Support Us, The Heroic Join Us”.

Another message reads: “The people should not be afraid of their government. The Government should be afraid of their people” 

There is also a message that suggests that the hack is associated with the recent student strike calling for the fall of BDP Secretary General Botsalo Ntuane. 

“#Is a banner not a flag #Ntuanemustfall #Weshallovercome #remmadikolo,” are hashtags in the banners that have been used to deface the website.

UB was closed yesterday due to a student strike that went violent this week.