Kgafela lacking in leadership

On my side, it was so interesting, but painful though. I have always said it that our decisions and actions paint a picture, defining who we are. In his book, The Greatest Enemies of Africa, Reverend Mbae, made it very clear that the greatest enemies of Africa are its leaders. Recently, Mochudi has been forcefully and ignorantly made a state in another state by the right heir to the chieftaincy, Rre Kgafela! By birth and blood, he happens to be the right man for that position. Many have ascended to this top position before and there was harmony. People loved and respected their rightful leaders. Emphases should be given to the fact that there was no fear, they used hands to greet and honour their leaders. It was our culture! I personally have to admit the fact that, change is inevitable, but the recent renovation to our cultures leaves so many questions unanswered! Human rights were respected, people were involved in every decision that affected them, no one felt threatened and there was freedom of speech.

Our country then was not that far from being similar to the land that was once promised to some men and women in the Holy Book! The name 'The Africa Diamond or Miracle' that some people outside the boarders of this once beautiful country perceived us to be, was derived from the harmony experienced then. The reason being, those men were born leaders with very good qualities of leadership. Although they had to make uncommon decisions, but they never compromised our rights.

We strongly felt that our traditional way of choosing our leaders was working for us. Some still do, but recent events in Mochudi got me thinking otherwise! We all agree that most of our traditional leaders are the rightful heirs, but the question will also be, does that right make them true and exceptional leaders? To me the answer is No! Kgafela has painted a picture that truly does not associate him with leadership.

Maybe law can suit him, but not the top seat to lead a clan! I know that leaders have different plans and ways of leading, but not Kgafela's!

A true leader will always put the interest of all his people in the tribe before his and be considerate to the young and old! Instilling fear in people should never fool people into believing that it can mould them! Kgafela is playing with a bomb and it's a matter of time before it blows in his face.

Ask Mugabe! He had good intentions, but was let down by the executions, and Kgafela's execution of his good intentions is also heading that way!

The picture is in the open for all to see, Kgafela has been fooling us all this time to believe that he is a Human Rights Activist, but the picture tells a different story. As a lawyer, he was just using this trick to find his way into our pockets. So disappointed, but all these are the weakness of hereditary - leadership.  True leaders are born!

Aaron MosokotsoGABORONE