
Rabble-rouser of the year award winners


The two have a few things in common. Both are former city mayors. From 2004 until 2015, Moswaane was the Francistown city mayor while Nkaigwa was the Gaborone City mayor from 2012 until 2014. They both speak out of turn.

Earlier this year, Nkaigwa shocked the nation by his passionate pronouncement that this secular country must be declared a Christian nation. He even threatened to table a motion to that effect. We are yet to hear him debating the motion. We do not know if his party, the Umbrella for Democratic Change (UDC), supports him.

Recently he advocated for ‘blessers’ to be castrated. According to Urban dictionary a ‘blesser’ is a slang term for a rich man who offers support (typically financial and material) to a younger female companion in exchange for sex and friendship. Extremism of the highest order!

Not to be outdone Moswaane is always exchanging harsh words with the Speaker of the National Assembly. Since he came to Parliament in 2014, Moswaane has tabled more than 30 motions.

This is a record considering that some long-time legislators like Tati East MP, Samson Moyo Guma has been in Parliament since 2004, but is yet to table a single motion. It does not matter if the motions are council material or not but the man from Monarch location has the stamina.

He feels the answers given by ministers are inadequate. Recently, he was all over the private radio stations threatening to table an urgent motion requesting the government to forgo its decision to close the BCL mine and its subsidiaries. It is rare for a Botswana Democratic Party (BDP) member to differ with a cabinet decision, but not Moswaane.  One could not forget his exchange with Mogoditshane MP Sedirwa Kgoroba who referred to him as stupid. In response to the attack, he said Kgoroba was not only stupid but has the habit of smoking dagga.

“Stupid ke wena Chilly o gogang motokwane,” he returned the favour. Chilly is Sedirwa’s sobriquet from his football playing days.

When he was requested to withdraw the remark, “Best” or “Timmy” as Moswaane  popularly known, insisted that he was telling the truth, and Kgoroba should first apologise to him for calling him stupid. Kgoroba withdrew the stupid remark and likewise, the maverick Moswaane.