Opinion & Analysis

Batswana Speak On Voter Registration

Bopa Mastermind Unami
Bopa Mastermind Unami

Please note that the comments were picked from our Facebook page as they are.

Bopa Mastermiñd Unami

“I didn’t register, I don’t want to vote, all politicians are the same, they hv been givin empty promises since long tym back, opposition or ruling party same thng all thy want is to eat nd forget abt voters needs…”(sic)


Sadie Monyazela

“I registered to vote because i wanted to excercise my right to vote as a citizen of Botswana! first timer plus i felt the need to because i work for IEC.  #BESMARTANDREGISTERTOVOTE .2014 i ddnt register to vote and i cant repeat that mistake again” (sic)

Le-kgotla Jigybaar Chale

“i voted 2014.. Yes it’s every citizens right to vote or not!! the question is did my vote my any difference?? I hope to register for 2019 general elections but truth be told.. there is no motivation, our country is going backwards & no one seems to care!!” (sic)


Liott Letson

“I registered to vote because its my democratic right to do so..i also voted in 2014, thus i will ensure that next year i cast my vote wisely!”


Fùtúrè Mogopodi

“I voted in 2014 I hope to register today.if not then I’ll wait for supplementary registration.but I haven’t been excited about the whole elections thing compared to in 2014.”

Sam Sem

“Me Mlps South Loologa NOT REGISTERED reason being gotsewa motlhofo ke our leaders baganne go ntheetsa kekopa thuso kogo bone so why should I keep on voting them ? Gape gakeisi kebone ope yoo ipapatsang ale botoka mogo bone keraya KB MORWAENG or Leo .

Is better not to VOTE than goi tsenya stress unless mongwe aka mpha 2 000 areka my VOTE i am not free.”



Boity M Stanley

“I registered in Tshesebe because its my right to vote and i believe my vote can bring a change i want in my village.I cant talk of change if i didnt register..2014 i didnt vote and cant let that mistake happen again..#monanabethechangeyouwant” (sic)


Carlos Pius

“I registered, I voted in 2014.

Reason being the exercise of my right and of good governance promotion.

How do I talk ill about a government that I never built, hlopho yame e aga puso. One way or the other.” (sic)


Mabuze Conteh Relebanye

“If people are being paid for lying to us,so how much salary am i going to earn for registering? DID NOT AND I WONT..” (sic)


Tiff W Maity

“I’m thirty two next year and I have not registered nore have I ever!!!... Reason being, the corruption in this country runs deep, and my simple vote won’t make a difference today or tomorrow.. it’s the little fish that suffer so the big fish keep swimming.. so no thanks. Ke kefatshe la lona, ‘we are just passengers’” (sic)


Fikile Morake

“I registered because my vote is my voice, I believe accountability starts with me taking the responsibility to exercise my right as a citizen... I did it for the 1st time in 2014 and I am excited that i am going to do it in 2019.”


Bongani Moswete

“George Jean Nathan said it all

“Bad officials are elected by good citizens who do not vote”

As long as I’m able, I’ll always exercise my democratic rights to vote - I did it in 2014 I’m doing it in 2019 and beyond...”


Olorato Barwatlhapi

Did not register this time, reason being I don’t see myself employing anyone while i am not employed. I voted in 2009 and 2014 but my life have been getting worse.” (sic)