Opinion & Analysis

Suicide, A Call For All!

They were all aged between 20 and 30, all so young and full of life. As I write this, am awaiting to attend the funeral of the fourth one on Sunday 11th 2018.

I know the pain and sorrow that awaits me on that day.

Seeing family members’, friends and relatives crying non-stop, not knowing what led to the actions of the deceased. Some rightfully blaming themselves, “what if it was because of what I said” or maybe, “I shouldn’t have taken him for granted when he said it”.

Well, the truth is, no one wakes up in the morning, thinks of their failures, their unresolved issues, complicated relationships, betrayals and loses and decide, “you know what, am gonna hang myself”. No.

That’s not how it works.

The minute you see them hanging in a tree, just know, they have long planned it right in your presence, and yes, there is something you could have done to avoid the situation.

No one knows so far what could be the cause of suicide but however there are few known contributory factors. Studies show that contributory factors include depression, bipolar and schizophrenia which are all mental health issues.

No one in their right mind will commit suicide out of nowhere.

The question now becomes how well people are aware of mental health issues. In Botswana, I am certain that only a few are. Go to rural areas where most cases of suicide happen, the only mental disorder they are aware of, but don’t fully understand is schizophrenia.

On the other hand, there is a thin line between mental health issues and emotional intelligence.

Do you have any idea what that could mean, emotional intelligence? We often say hurtful words to people not caring what impact will that have on their emotions.

Is there anyone who still takes cyber bullying for granted? Even though we may claim not, at some point, we all pay attention to what people say to us.

It influences our feelings and emotions, even the decisions we make at the end of the day.

Therefore, suicide is a call for all. It’s not only for social workers or psychiatric personnel.

Let us all stand together and claim our lost humanity back. Let’s embrace diversity and accept everyone as they are.

Let’s carry around with us, the spirit of brotherhood and come in unity as we fight our daily battles.

For crying out loud, as of 2017, according to World Health Rankings, suicide is ranked number 16 as a leading cause of death in Botswana. Cancer does not even make it to top 20.

Wame Morake.

“For crying out loud, as of 2017, according to World Health Rankings, suicide is ranked number 16 as a leading cause of death in Botswana. Cancer does not even make it to top 20.”