Powell aims to recapture his form

But last season, the man from Maitengwe suffered a serious slump in form. When he lost his place in the national team, he said he was not surprised because he was aware of his dwindling fortunes on the pitch. But the midfield general wants to forget about the past season and focus on getting his form and fitness back.

'There were several factors that contributed to my poor showing last season and there is no need to dwell on them. What is important now is that I want to start focusing on football again and forget any other thing,' he told Mmegi Sport.

Powell's problems started when the club failed to pay players in time. He threatened to leave at one stage and there were reports of his suspension for engineering a 'rebellion' at the club. Coach Daniel Nare had to find ways of persuading him to stay and focus on his football at Gunners.

'He lost focus because he took issue of the team failing to pay in time personally when it actually affected all the players. On a good day, he can have a great influence on the whole team and decide the outcome of the game but he did not do this last season. He once came to me in March and said he was quitting and I asked him how he would survive because he could only transfer to another team in September. It was not easy. I had to set a one-on-one meeting with him and sent Kitso (Dlamini - Gunners public relations manager) to talk to him. At one stage, I just took him out for lunch so we could discuss the issue in an informal way and thank God's it worked,' Nare said.

At 25, Powell still stands a good chance of getting a fulfilling contract abroad and another chance to command a regular place in the Zebras' line-up. He once had a short stint at South Africa's Bay United but now he says if such an opportunity arises, he would be gone for a longer period.

'I did not blame the national team selectors for dropping me because I have to be there on merit not because I am Abednico Powell and I was not playing well for Gunners last season. But to be honest, my focus is on playing good club football and then think about the national team later. I want to go abroad. Come what may, I promise you, I will only concentrate on playing good football. I believe that last season's problems have passed and even if they re-surface, I would not let them distract me,' Powell said.

The player said he was in high spirits ahead of the season opener against Township Rollers over the weekend. 'I want to start my resurrection on Saturday and Rollers provides a perfect opportunity to test myself,' he promised.