
Compliments of the new season

Everyone is back to base while others are chasing new opportunities. We lost many people in 2018, but some can also celebrate the lives they brought into this world. For Team Mmegi it was an eventful year. We were never short of stories to bring to our readers.

Following the restructuring in December 2017, we did not fold our hands and bemoan what had befell our company. Rather, we strove to keep our readers informed, educated and entertained. That was our core mandate and we trust that we did that with aplomb. Although we sometimes made mistakes, as to err is human, we do our best to eliminate such errors in our publication. Credibility is our currency and without that it would be the end of us.

The New Year is always an opportunity to start afresh. January to many is a month of financial struggles, but it is that time of year when many make new year resolutions.

As some struggle through the next 20 days of January, we must never forget that February and other upcoming months are also not a walk in the park. But above all the future hopes and plans, 2019 is an important year for Batswana as they return to the national polls after five years and this time under the leadership of a different State President.

The political landscape has never been this interesting; so between now and the election time, every move counts. For those who have not yet registered, it is never too late to change the outcome of our democracy.

The economy is fast changing so everyone should work harder than ever before, to overcome the challenges with success. The rearview mirror of last year reflects what we have left behind so no matter how sweet or bitter our hearts are, 2018 is behind us and we should march forward to the future without looking back.

We do not know what lies ahead this year, but as the leading newspaper in Botswana we aim to tell every story as it is and capture every issue as it breaks.

A man who does not know where the rain comes from usually gets drenched people he could find a shelter so as the dark clouds gather showers above, we should always have that roof ready to protect us from the menacing storms. Change is almost here and the unexpected comes with it!

We strive to serve you better this new season. Compliments of the new season to our readers and stakeholders.


Today’s thought 

“Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right.” 

- Oprah Winfrey