Opinion & Analysis

Ndaba On Willing To Become BDP�For One Day

Ndaba Gaolathe
Ndaba Gaolathe

We all came to parliament prepared today, keen to discuss the next chapter..National Development Plan (NDP 11). The topic: monitoring and evaluation in the national development process.

The minister responsible, Hon. Molale did not show up. His assistant, Hon Kwerepe was in the house, but for some reason, did not present on behalf of his boss and ministry.

Neither did he come across as someone who realised the need for him to present anything.

At this, point I had a quick chat with Cde president Boko to seek his permission to cross the floor for the day, which permission he gladly granted, as expected. I thought it patriotic to offer my services, on behalf of the people of Botswana, to present the NDP chapter in question on behalf of the government. I felt ready to do so on behalf of the minister as I am quite alive to government’s position on the matter.

Vice President Masisi has, afterall, expressed that he is keen on me moving over, so Cde Boko and I suspected that he would not have a problem with me coming over for a day to state their policy position, seeing that his people were either not willing or unhappy to do so.

So Cde boko and I tried to solicit the Speaker’s view on this (on the side)..Unfortunately, she turned down our offer. No one should blame me for the government’s problems and lapses..I tried to help them. You will all bear witness.