Digging Tswana Roots

A summarised review of our path thus far

What we learnt early in this exercise was that, though we in Africa south of the Sahara do not have the benefit of ancient written accounts to effectively trace our legacy from, our own vital link to those times lay encoded in language.

We quickly discovered that Sotho-Tswana could better unlock the true, original meanings of a plethora of miscued biblical names, and thus offer us better clues as to what really happened in those early and formative times. As such, we were able to correct conventional takes, and even refine, or reorient, the findings of research giants like Zecharia Sitchin. For instance, phara-disa – now ‘paradise’ in English, we saw, meant ‘guarded through’: something consistent with what Sitchin and others had discerned about E-di-ene (Eden), Place of the Gods. Even the di, a plural indicator, easily confirmed that the ‘Eden’ story was indeed lifted directly from far more ancient texts like the Akkadian (Babylonian) Atra-Hasis, but ‘gods’ later changed to ‘God’ to fit a new, rigorously-enforced outlook called ‘monotheism’. Indeed, no impartial and objective biblical historian has not determined that much of Genesis’ cosmology was lifted directly from Babylonian lore when the Old Testament was being compiled in earnest in exilic times when, fearful for their legacy, the Jews, the Children of Israel, sat by the rivers of Babylon and ‘remembered Zion’. So, whereas the Atra-Hasis is definitely older than around 2800 BC, much of the Pentateuch, we clearly showed in an article, was written not by Moses but by the Levite priests in the 500s BC. A lot of other stories, we clinically saw, were changed around. For example, in the Atra-Hasis, Ene-Ki (Enki: literally ‘Lord of Earth’, the second-in-command of Earth) who was branded a ‘snake’ by his rivals in the Enlilite clan – the clan headed by his half-brother Enlil (Ene-le-Illu: ‘Lord of the Illu (gods)’ and Earth’s number one) – is the one who not only enhanced the genetic profile of the Adamu, but rescued Noah (Utnapishtim to the Sumerians, Ziusudra to the Babylonians) after Enlil wanted the imminence of the Flood kept a secret from mankind (see literal translations of the text in last week’s article).The aim here was not to be anti-biblical: there is a lot of valid, inspiring  history contained in the Old Testament. The concerted aim was to get to the unbridled truth. Like I always say in my books, truth is truth: it does not care whether you find it uncomfortable or not; it just is.

Now, getting the story straight by carefully evaluating evidence on both sides is what any good detective does. Only a naïve, badly-trained one will ignore whole swathes of good, solid evidence simply because someone – for motives some of us have come to well-discern – labels it ‘unconventional’; or because it unearths a new perspective, even paradigm shift, from a millennium or two of a certain way of thinking. Indeed, too many people read only the books they are told to read. Few read even the books that the early Church, for example, banned outright and labelled as ‘apocrypha’. Actually, we found these to be the ones most revealing. But, just like in the old days when the Church of Rome dominated peoples’ lives in Europe, people still fear or hesitate to see for themselves what is so ‘wicked’ about these ‘other’ works of literature, produced around the same time as, for example, much of the New Testament…or even the very ancient Sumerian and Akkadian or Ugaritic texts that speak of ‘gods’. And the vast majority of people remain blissfully unaware of this invaluable resource simply because theologians go to great lengths to ensure that such literature is ignored. But the greatest thing my column revealed, and which no other work in the world even contemplated, is to show that our understanding of Sumerian, Akkadian and even Hebrew is greatly enhanced by the use of Setswana as an unlocking linguistic tool. It allowed serious followers of this column to see a clear way through the obfuscating mist cast by the early Church for power and mind-control than genuine truth or spirituality: thus countless people died when they sought a balanced, informed view of things.

Having duly explored the full breadth of Genesis to Revelation, we turned our attention to unpacking a few sub-topics that needed further treatment; elements of the Garden of Eden story, the rise and fall of the Nephilim, a clinical unmasking of the historical identities of Nimrod, Abraham, David and Moses, and so forth. Next, we explored etymologies in detail, showing how and why Setswana shows positive signs of being the remains of a once-gobal protolanguage that everyone spoke. This was an eye-opening exercise that proved Setswana-based interpretations of Indo-European and other languages as a serious, scholarly fact. To reinforce this, I introduced the biggest game-changer of them all: directly showing that Sumerian and Akkadian are totally Setswana-like, and also proving beyond all doubt that ancient scribes confirm the existence of an advanced race of people, worldly people, who saw themselves as gods but whose behaviour was not quite as lofty as their spacecraft. In a new mini-series, we will now look further and deeper into specific biblical and other legends that I can show to exactly dovetail with our very own.

Comments to leteanelm@gmail.com