Opinion & Analysis

�Shame On You Bots Immigration�

Just two officers. That’s a queue of four hours! But it gets worse. More cars and buses arrived all the time and the bullies just pushed their way to the front. For the elderly, the meek, the polite and for people like me with children, the queue was infinite.

There was no Chief Immigration Officer to complain to and the Immigration Officer just laughed when I suggested she just stamps everyone out and enters the data from the embarkation card later. No passport scan obviously, but then does it matter? Does any of this data matter? These people are leaving the country. They are going in the right direction as far as immigration is concerned.

The immigration control is the first and last impression people have of a country. The look they’re going for here is uncaring and unnecessarily cruel. What kind of country makes its visitors (including infants and the elderly) queue for hours in the heat just to leave? Tellingly, there was no queue whatsoever to enter ZA.

So, shame on you immigration. Shame on you bullies. And shame on me for using my silver-tongue to talk my way to the front. But I spent an hour in that queue and went backwards. A further 30 minutes and I’d have missed my flight in Jo’Burg. But I will submit a complaint and hopefully some good will come of this.


Allan Green, via facebook