
Motshwarakgole in hot soup for endorsing Masisi


The warring factions within the National Amalgamated Local and Central Government and Parastatal Manual Workers Union (NALCGPMWU) leadership have taken the battle to new heights in order to land their grip on the control of the union. According to sources, some members of the NEC are calling for Motshwarakgole to be suspended for endorsing President Mokgweetsi Masisi for his party’s presidency in a short video clip that is circulating on social media. In the video, Motshwarakgole seems to be endorsing Masisi, and even said he would vote for him as his administration believes firmly in consultation.

He said since Masisi took over in April 1, 2018, there have been a significant number of policy changes including the withdrawal of the use of Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs) that was to be used in the 2019 general elections.  Even though it is not clear if he was speaking on behalf of the Manual Workers, it is said that some members of the NEC who want him out of the union are calling for his suspension saying he was not supposed to utter such words on behalf of the union. “Motshwarakgole spoke on behalf of the union. But the NEC did not endorse Masisi nor mandate him to utter such words on behalf of the union. This is tantamount to lack of discipline on his part and insubordination. He should be called for a hearing and be suspended,” said a source.   The source said it is not clear whether the NEC has met and made a resolution on the matter.

Meanwhile, Mokgosi could also be suspended after the National Chairperson of the NEC Olebile Molamu cited her for disciplinary hearing.

In a letter seen by Mmegi, Mokgosi is to appear before the disciplinary hearing to answer for her actions after she was seen supporting the other NEC members, Molemosi Teemane and Nicholas Sekwenyane in their case against the union a fortnight ago. It is also said that she disposed a confirmatory affidavit in the matter in the same matter and saying that there was no resolution taken by the committee from the NEC meeting of December 21 citing Teemane and Sekwenyane for disciplinary hearing. 

When contacted for comment, Molamu denied the allegations that the NEC wants to suspend Motshwarakgole over his comments. Although he stated that he had not seen the video, Molamu stated that Motshwarakgole was not speaking on behalf of the union.

“It is not true that NEC wants to take action against Motshwarakgole because he did nothing wrong. He was simply expressing his opinion like any other person and exercising his freedom of expression as a fundamental right. We have to respect that. He was not speaking on behalf of the union, but I hear he categorically stated that he was expressing his personal opinion and he is entitled to that,” he said.  

However, he confirmed that indeed Mokgosi has been summoned to appear for a disciplinary hearing. “It is an issue I can’t discuss with you at this stage,” he said. Mokgosi referred Mmegi enquiries to Molamu saying that the national chairperson was best placed to give answers to issues affecting the union.