Opinion & Analysis

A Case To Ammend The Insolvency Act To Give Employees Terminal Priority


But what the liquidation of BCL has also exposed, is the  position of  Botswana workers in the ranking order of creditors. According to the Insolvency Act, when a company undergoes liquidation, there are creditors who are given preference as compared to others. We have since learnt that  the ranking order of creditors are divided into two categories, secured creditors and preferent creditors. Secured creditors are those that are given in simple parlance first priority in the payment of debts. These are holders of mortgage bonds hypothecating immovable property.

This means if banks have any mortgage bonds against BCL and TNCM, they will be paid first in any remaining estate  because they are secured creditors.

After the secured creditors are paid, then follows preferent creditors, these will be holders of notarial mortgage bonds, hypothecating specially described  movable property. Again, this could be financial institutions which have used BCL machinery as security  for advancement of some loans. The fact is that although these creditors are not secured creditors, however their claims are given priority to  payment of employee benefits and salaries. The workers’ salaries and terminal benefits  in terms of our laws are not a priority because they are not guaranteed to be paid until banks have been paid.

If  we are to go by the allegations doing rounds in the media that BCL liabilities exceed its assets, it is clear that  more than 5,000 employees will not receive their benefits because they are not a priority in the ranking order of creditors. These are the same employees who toiled and worked hard for BCL for decades.

BOFEPUSU will like  to call upon progressive members of Parliament to ammend the Insolvency Act to ensure that employee  terminal benefits are given priority when the  estate of a company undergoing liquidation is being divided. We cannot have a situation like the current one where workers’ terminal benefits are not even being mentioned during liquidation. In fact, the costs  of the  liquidation are also given priority.

This means before the employees are considered, the  liquidator, and his assistants,  including  his lawyers are going to be given priority.

BOFEPUSU is calling upon  progressive legislators to take a leaf from countries like  Brazil, where employee  terminal benefits  take precedence over  secured creditors. In Canada, wage and pension claims  of employees  are also given  priority in companies undergoing liquidation. India and Mexico also give priority to employee wages and other monetary  benefits  due to the debtors’ employees.

We therefofore urge the government to make the necessary amendments to the Insolvency Act with a view to elevate employee benefits to the status of secured creditors for a company undergoing liquidation.


T. Rari