
Jazz X Change Concert Slated For November

Founder and CEO of Jazz X Change Rahman El-kindly
Founder and CEO of Jazz X Change Rahman El-kindly

The Jazz X Change was formed with the main aim of discovering young talent and molding it. As a result, the initiative has grown in ‘miraculous way’, El-kindiy said. During the continuous growth of The Jazz X Change, there has been cooperations with different organisations throughout the journey. This time around, they went into a partnership with Cresta Lodge.

El-Kindiy said the relationship with the hotelier is a good one as it will open doors for opportunities for them and great venue for their shows with a breathtaking ambience.

El-Kindiy said this year they are bringing to the people something different and new; Jazz and wine, where attendees of this event will be wining while listening to the good their favourite notes.

Not only that they will have The Jazzpel also, that is the collaboration between jazz and gospel.

Cedric Ncube and Chantty Natural came forth to give their testimonies also about their experience after being featured with The Jazz X Change. The two said it has been a ‘great experience’ and were looking forward to doing more with them.

The first Jazz X Change concert will be held on the November 30 and will feature famous female Japanese saxophonist, Koari Kobayahsi. “We are pleased to mention that our long awaited website is now under development, and the most exciting part about it is that our followers will be able to access all events dates, buy and book tickets for upcoming events, access Jazz X Change Album and even view pictures,” noted El-Kindiy.