
Charma Gal gives birth to baby boy


Close sources said, “She is really private about her life, but she has given birth to her baby boy. I do not know what she named him.”

Reached for comment, the Sekuta sa ga Charma Gal hit maker and four time Botswana Musician Awards (BOMU) winner could not be drawn to comment on the issue.

She asked rhetorically: “Who told you so?”

She added before hanging up the phone: “Please go back to those sources they will confirm for you. You once wrote a story about me and did not seek for my comment.”

Charma Gal recently encountered one of the most devastating road accidents. Five of her dancers died on the spot after a tyre burst.

The group was on their way back to Gaborone from a show in Gantsi. The accident left the whole nation reeling in shock, in sympathy with the Mosakaso singer.

Charma Gal has not been seen on stage since the accident, with rumors that she has been busy in studio cooking up a storm.

Her current album enjoys massive radio airplay across Southern Africa with hit songs including the title track Sekuta sa ga Charma Gal, Hardrock, Skhebashane and Podi mo Bareng.