
BVF Embarks On Beach Volleyball Development


Beach volleyball comes at less cost compared to indoor volleyball that is expensive, struggles with facilities and sponsorship.

This past week, BVF organised a beach referees’ workshop in Sebele. The event ended on Saturday. Speaking to Monitor Sport, BVF president, Daniel Molaodi said it was important to develop resources required for beach volleyball to take off.  He said they started with coaches and later moved on to referees.

“These are just part of BVF efforts to support the growth of beach volleyball, as a new addition to our programs.

It is also a way to spread the knowledge base of beach volleyball to the various categories of personnel so that we can jointly grow the sport,” he said.

The workshop had a facilitator from Africa Volleyball Federation who provided an opportunity to those who may want to concentrate on beach volleyball refereeing, especially that there are opportunities for quicker attainment of higher levels than in indoor.

“As part of our efforts, we have so far sent the Under 21 teams to both the zonal and continental World championships qualifiers as well as the senior national teams who have just returned from Nigeria,” Molaodi added.

Meanwhile, Molaodi said beach volleyball is not meant to replace indoor volleyball.

He said beach volleyball is relatively cheap to run and sending teams to competitions is not financially taxing as indoor volleyball, but in the medium and long term, it is not meant to replace indoor as they would run parallel.

The course that was the first to be organised by BVF was attended by 15 referees. The plan is to have more such trainings which would end up producing an international referees to officiate in international championships.

BVF sports development officer, Peaceful Seleka said they appreciate the support they received from CAVB by sending the course instructor, Ehab Nader Mekhali from Egypt.