
ERB wants powers to arraign wayward engineers


ERB chief executive officer and board registrar, Dennis Olaotse said they will continue to motivate for the amendment of the act so as to be given powers to prosecute wayward engineers or those who violat regulations.

“We should be able to take people to court and prosecute fraudulent actions in this profession without going to the Directorate of Public Prosecution (DPP),” he said.

Currently the board only deals with registration of engineers and issuance of practising certificates, monitoring standards of engineering practice and ethics, as well as conducting or authorising enquiries regarding any alleged professional misconduct of any engineer.

Olaotse stated that the Engineers Registration Act came into force to protect the status of engineers, noting that those found in contravention of the act can be fined up to P20,000.

He said if the board is given mandate to prosecute criminals in the engineering sector, many cases arising could be reduced.

The ERB is a statutory body set up by an act of Parliament to regulate the activities and conduct of engineers in Botswana.

He said the regulations are to facilitate for the operationalisation of the act and provide guidelines on how best to regulate the activities and conduct of engineering professionals.

“The objectives of these regulations were set out as to promote the highest standards of the engineering practice in Botswana and to protect the welfare and interest of the public in the engineering practice,” Olaotse said.

He added that the regulations provide for the categories of registration and its procedures, as well as issuance of practising certificates.  It also mentions the importance of compliance by engineering professionals to the set Code of Conduct and Ethics. Failure to comply with the code may result in the board instituting an inquiry into the conduct of the engineering professional, which may lead to an investigation and disciplinary action taken against such a professional.

Out of an estimated population of 5,500 engineers in Botswana, the board has to date registered about 2,239 engineers, which translates to 41% of the engineering population.

The engineers are registered in different categories such as graduates, registered and professional, and in various disciplines including civil, mechanical, mining, telecommunications, electrical and electronics, and many more.