Opinion & Analysis

Masisi's BDP Government Harassment Of Political Opponents Is Bad For Democracy


Today, and throughout this week, Botswana Unified Revenue Services (BURS) has been invading the home of UDC President and Leader of the Opposition Duma Boko, harassing the family, enquiring about the movement of Mr Boko, the mode of transport he uses and which border used to travel to South Africa. All of this is a violation of the private rights of Mr. Boko. 

What is currently unfolding in our Political landscape is catastrophic for our democracy, particularly in an election year. These can be summarised as acts of cowardice, intolerance and an attempt to retain power by all means including undemocratic ones.

It is our plea that for the sake of progress of democracy, peace and harmony of this Country, there must be prevalence of free and fair Elections where the Opposition and its leaders are allowed to campaign freely without harassment and intimidation occasioned to them and their families.

Though politicians are not above the law, it appears now opposition leaders are now being subjected to harassment. This is clearly a personal vendetta which began with the grounding of campaign aircrafts. The aim is to curtail Mr Boko and his Party's campaign. 

We are aware that the current regime wants to create chaos in the Country and thereafter impose a state of emergency which will among others, delay the process of Elections and thereby extending President Masisi's rule against the will of the people. 

The state's democratic Institutions and Departments must not meddle in Political Campaigns as that will destroy their independence and integrity.

We advise President Masisi to tread carefully because the actions of his Government have potential to trigger a civil strife, consequently destroying this Country, and surely he will be liable for failing the test of statesmanship. 

We at UDC commit to a peaceful, prosperous Country where a person’s political and economic rights  are guaranteed and respected.


Moeti Mohwasa

Head of Communications