
BOFEPUSU manifesto launch delayed

Mogomotsi Motshegwa PIC: MORERI SEJAKGOMO
Mogomotsi Motshegwa PIC: MORERI SEJAKGOMO

Nearly three months ago BOFEPUSU confirmed that it has engaged independent political experts to assess the country’s political landscape and draft a manifesto on its behalf. 

The decision to appoint independent experts was taken by the federation early this March. The federation said that the report on the country’s political climate would be used to guide the members of the federation on how to vote at the 2019 general elections. 

“The process of drafting the manifesto is ongoing.  At the moment, I do not have a specific date of the launch, but it will be soon,” BOFEPUSU spokesperson, Mogomotsi Motshegwa told Mmegi. 

The federation might find itself racing against time to release the manifesto because the general elections are due in two months. 

Depending on the outcomes of the report by experts, BOFEPUSU has said that it may choose to support one of the country’s political parties at the 2019 polls or let its members vote independently. 

In 2014 the federation chose to support the Umbrella for Democratic Change (UDC) because it is seen to be sympathetic to the plight of the workers.