
PPADB approves P50m in fight against coronavirus

Medics attending to a suspected Coronavirus case at Block 8 clinic. PIC. PHATSIMO KAPENG
Medics attending to a suspected Coronavirus case at Block 8 clinic. PIC. PHATSIMO KAPENG

The Ministry submitted its request on February 5, 2020 and the board sitting the following day approved the request for a waiver. The notice from PPADB does not specify the kind of goods and services to be bought.

Recently, the ministry conducted tests on the five suspected cases of Novel Coronavirus at different time points of their presentation to the hospital, the results for all the five suspected cases were all negative.

The ministry assured the nation that the medical team would continue to monitor the cases and urged the public to continue being vigilant and observe preventative measures such as diligent hand washing and covering of the mouth when coughing and sneezing. The public is also advised to postpone unnecessary travel to affected countries and improve personal hygiene.